The Best Sports For Weight Loss That Are Actually Funny Too

The Best Sports For Weight Loss That Are Actually Funny Too

Among all the sports and exercises you can try out there, these five indoor and outdoor sports for weight loss are the most effective ones.

Sports are trusted allies in fighting the extra pounds, but probably this is not news to you.

Similarly to the popular diets that recommend certain foods to lose weight, a good slimming program should recommend only certain sports for weight loss.

That’s because there are many sports that you can practice, but not all are useful when you want to lose weight.

Exercises involving the use of some static fitness equipment are ineffective for weight loss because it helps to increase muscle mass without accelerating the melting of fat deposits.

The Best Sports For Weight Loss That Are Actually Funny Too

Top 5 Sports For Weight Loss

Here are the best sports that can help you burn fat and eventually lose weight.

1. Jumping Rope

This is one of the favorite sports of our childhood. It’s an excellent way through which you can lose weight.

One hour of jump rope helps you burn between 800 and 1200 calories, depending on your weight. Beside melting body-fat, jumping rope has other benefits too:

  • Tones your muscles;
  • Entertains you and elevates your mood;
  • Increases your endurance.

Is the most effective exercise for fat burning.

2. Cycling

In the park, around the block, on the mountain, no matter where you ride, you will only benefit from this sport.

Why? Because cycling involves almost all muscles of the body:

  • abs;
  • buttocks;
  • thigh and leg muscles;
  • and arm muscles.

An hour of bike riding a little faster helps you burn up to 1000 calories.

3. Dance

If you are passionate about dance, you will definitely want to try Zumba, the new sport-sensation that combines fitness with gym, dance, and fun.

In other words, Zumba is the type of sport that helps you lose weight but also helps you to forget the stress and have a great day.

Do one hour of Zumba and you’ll burn anywhere between 500 and 1000 calories.

You might leave exhausted from a Zumba session, but in a short period of time, you’ll be able to reveal your toned body.

4. Running

This is one of the most healthy and effective sports that you can practice.

One hour outdoor running helps you burn between 600 and 800 calories, depending on your physical condition and the speed you’re running.

If you’re a beginner in running, it is best not to force your body from the first day. Start slowly, with short distances, and let your body to adjust to the new active schedule. This way you’ll be able to avoid muscle soreness.

Over time, as you get more strength, you can increase your running distance and speed. You can even try running in slope, which is harder, but more effective.

5. Swimming

If you do not know how to swim, it’s time to learn, especially if you want to practice a sport that’s very effective for weight loss.

An hour of swimming in the pool or in the sea helps you burn between 400 and 600 calories.

Also, swimming strengthens joints, helps the muscles to develop properly, combats unsightly appearance of cellulite, and improves circulation.

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