Tae Bo – What Do You Know About it?

Tae Bo, a unique and challenging fitness system, is a martial arts/aerobics hybrid created by Billy Blanks in 1975.
It combines Tae Kwon Do, boxing, and dance disciplines and puts them together in a challenging program set to hip-hop music.
A typical one-hour class consists of a series of jabs, punches, kicks, and steps, choreographed in a series of eight-count combinations.
The name, Tae Bo, is a combination of other words. “Tae” means “leg” and it relates to the kicks and lower body part of the workout. “Bo” comes from boxing and the upper body punches that are an integral part of the workout.
Set to upbeat music, it can be a very satisfying workout because it engages the entire body.
Who Can Participate In Tae Bo?
This type of exercise is for anyone who wants a complete workout. It is more than just a fat-burning exercise, it actually offers a workout for the entire body.
As with any new exercise program, you should consult your healthcare provider first before embarking on it.
Tae Bo can be done at your own rate. As you build strength, you can do more and you can increase your level of physical fitness.
Many women are attracted to the program as a form of strength-building. Since it is set to music, the workout is a lot of fun. You build strength while enjoying yourself.
In addition, while Tae Bo shouldn’t be considered a self-defense course, you can learn defensive moves through it because the program uses imaginary opponents as targets.
How Soon Can You See Results?
Some people report feeling a change in their body the very first time they do Tae Bo and they begin to see results in as little as three sessions.
Others report change over several weeks. Everybody is different and individual results vary.
How Often Should I Do Tae Bo?
First, as with any fitness program, check with your physician to make sure you can start an intense workout program.
It can be done every day or a couple of times a week. For maximum benefit, like any other cardiovascular program, you should consider doing the Tae Bo at least three times a week.
Beginners are advised to start slow and build up their endurance.
This is a challenging workout and requires the use of your entire body. So don’t get discouraged if you get tired quickly in the beginning.
The entire idea of Tae Bo is to maximize the benefits by incorporating the entire body into the workout.
I selected a great video from Youtube so you can see better how people work out with this fitness program.