Prostate Cancer – Risks, Types, And Treatment Options

Prostate cancer can be easily diagnosed with a simple screening test. Here’s more you need to know about this health condition.
As a man, you face a lot of risks and dangers every day. Heck, you are facing dangers when you choose to get out of bed in the morning and drive into work. Of course, this is beside the point, but it seems that one of today’s major killers of men is prostate cancer.
That’s right, not only are more and more men diagnosed with prostate cancer in today’s time, but more and more men are falling victim to it.
This is why it is imperative to understand everything that you possibly can about active surveillance for prostate cancer and how you can benefit from it.
Understanding Your Risk Of Prostate Cancer
The first and most important thing that you need to understand is the risks.
There are tons of great preventive medical tools available today. The only problem is that most men aren’t taking advantage of them because they don’t know that they are at risk.
Well, prostate cancer is a disease that is affecting thousands of mend on a daily basis. However, most of the men that it affects are either middle-aged or older.
It is estimated by the American Cancer Society that nearly 200,000 American men will be newly diagnosed with this condition in 2020.
So, if you are middle-aged or over 65, why not go ahead and get a scan?
If you think this is scary, then you also need to know that there are other factors that can play in as well.
If you are overweight, have a family history of the condition, or are undergoing genetic changes, then these all put you at a higher risk of developing the condition.
The Different Types Of Prostate Cancer
When it comes right down to it, you will probably hear most medical professionals refer to prostate cancer as adenocarcinoma. This is pretty much just the technical terms for cancer that grows in the tissue of a gland, like the prostate gland.
So, if you hear a medical professional refer to an adenocarcinoma it doesn’t necessarily mean that they are referring to prostate cancer.
That aside, you need to understand that there are two types of prostate cancer. The first would be aggressive or fast and the second would be nonaggressive or slow-growing.
The nonaggressive obviously means that the cancer isn’t growing or will only grow a little over a long period of time.
In fact, there are situations where nonaggressive prostate cancer doesn’t require treatment. Of course, these cases are few and far between, but they are out there.
The aggressive means that the cancer is attacking the gland and needs to be removed immediately. This is something that can be handled by prostate cancer treatment procedures in Singapore.
Active Surveillance
With the risk and cases on the rise, more and more medical professionals are seeking out different means of way to attack and treat this cancer.
One such way that has come to light recently is active surveillance. Just keep in mind that this only might be an option for someone with a nonaggressive tumor.
Active surveillance just involves medical monitoring of the tumor to see if it grows worse over time. This might include blood tests, digital rectal exams, MRI, and even prostate biopsy.
Now, if cancer doesn’t grow during active surveillance, you don’t have to do anything and can live your life normally.
But if it grows and expands fast, or if it leads to other symptoms, your doctor will recommend a treatment that includes medication, radiation, or even surgery.