8 Challenges That An Overweight Person Lives With Daily

In other words, 8 unknown reasons why you don’t wanna be an overweight person.
If you’re an overweight person, you might find these simple tasks really challenging. But if you don’t have a problem with your weight, then here are 8 common tasks you didn’t know are a real struggle for an overweight person.
Obesity is exactly how our teachers and parents said it’d be like. It’s horrible, it’s scary and it can rip your self-worth out. – TC Mark
8 Daily Struggles Of An Overweight Person
It’s hard to believe that there are people that find a real challenge in doing these common things:
1. Sleeping
Sleeping at home is not that difficult for an overweight person. You have your own bed with strong support for heavy person and a hard mattress, so the sleep is quite smooth.
But when it’s time to sleep in a motel, hotel, or anywhere else, things aren’t so easy. You rarely find a hotel with strong beds that can face your weight with ease. And when you find it, it’s not a pretty cheap one.
Not to mention that most mattresses have a weight limit to around 300 pounds. So if you’re weighing more than that, then you probably have no chance to find a suitable and cheap hotel bed for you.
So yeah, sleeping in your own bed is the best option if you’re an overweight person.
2. Travel
As an overweight person, traveling with any kind of public transportation is very hard. Most of the seats are not designed with a 300-pound person in the head.
So besides that an overweight person barely fits in those seats, it can actually take more than one seat. And this is inconvenient for the persons beside him/her.
3. Shopping
This is a pain in the a*s. Shopping for clothes in local malls is a fairy tale.
Not only that you barely find the right sizes for you, but the shock on the seller’s face when you ask for an “xxxxxl size” is priceless. And your self-confidence disappears instantly when they start to laugh of that behind your back.
4. Breathing
I don’t know if this ever happened to you, but as an overweight person, you can breathe very loudly just by sitting still. Not to mention the heavy breathing that occurs during any physical activity.
It’s hard to even hear your thoughts with such loud breathing.
5. Elevator Woes
During the peak hours, some elevators are easily overloaded and, as an overweight person, you don’t want to be there when the buzzer activates. All the eyes are fixed on you, and your confidence fly away instantly.
6. Gym Insecurity
Nowadays gym image is fit people working out to maintain their figure. But what about an overweight person who wants who lose weight? Well, the gym is not an option unless their confidence is sky-rocketing.
Fat people are barely tolerated in gyms, and most often they are the main subject for jokes. I don’t know about you, but I’d prefer to run or walk 5 miles in the woods than to have all the eyes staring at me in the gym.
7. Tying The Shoes
An overweight person can barely bend over because of all that fat around his/her waist. So trying to tie the shoes is a real challenge you need to face with every single day.
That’s one of the reasons why many overweight people wear their comfortable slippers everywhere they go.
8. Wiping The Butt
This should not be as embarrassing as it is. Overweight people do have a real issue with wiping their butt, especially if they have short arms. You don’t have to believe me, just read these fat people’s stories.
Hopefully, you’ll never have to face any of these issues. But if you’re an overweight person and want to overcome these challenges, then losing weight is your best option. Good luck!