The Unknown Health Benefits Of Cucumber, Bananas, And Pineapples

I’ve curated some medical facts and health benefits of cucumber, hot chili peppers, pineapple and bananas that you might not know about. Just take look below!
Add some of these health-conscious foods to your diet to improve your lifestyle and benefit from their nutritional content.
Health Benefits Of Cucumber
Here are a few facts you might not know about cucumber:
1. It is more nutritious than regular water. It has 96% water content and keeps the body hydrated.
2. Cucumbers are an essential part of skin care. The minerals (magnesium, silica, potassium) and the vitamins (A, B, C) rejuvenate your skin.
3. Cucumber juice contains a lot of potassium, magnesium, and fiber that work effectively for regulating blood pressure.
4. Acidity, heartburn, gastritis, even ulcers, and other digestive disorders can be cured by the daily consumption of fresh cucumber juice.
5. Cucumbers relieve gout and arthritis pain. Cucumber (which contains vitamin A, B1, B6, C, D, folate, calcium, magnesium, and potassium) mixed with carrot juice is lowering the uric acid levels.
6. Cucumber is an ideal food for people who are looking for weight loss. Since its content is mostly water, cucumber has very few calories, so you can eat a lot of them without counting calories.
Other Super-Healthy Foods
Besides cucumber, there are other healthy foods that can help you fight cancer, reduce swellings, or even quit smoking. Here are a few of them:
1. Hot Chili Peppers
Hot chili peppers have been proven to kill cancer cells, serve as an anti-inflammatory agent, provide gastric relief, prevent sinus infections, and produce fat oxidation.
They also protect your heart, maintain bone health, reduce inflammation, warm your feet, and improves your sleep.
2. Pineapples
The more scales on a pineapple, the sweeter the taste. So next time you know how to pick the perfect ananas according to your preferences.
Pineapple is weight loss approved. But even though it is tasty and aids weight loss, this doesn’t mean you can eat an entire pineapple at a time. Be careful because a normal pineapple has almost 500 calories.
The amount of Vitam C found in a single pineapple is the dosage your body needs in a week. Also, pineapple is a great source of fiber.
It is a great anti-inflammatory food because of its enzyme called bromelain, which is used to reduce swellings and ulcers.
It also helps with your pain after an operation, promotes good digestion and keeps your eyes healthy.
3. Bananas
Bananas help smokers quit their bad habit. They contain B vitamins and other minerals that lessen the effects of nicotine withdrawal both physically and psychologically.
Another great benefit of eating bananas is that it can improve your mood. It contains tryptophan which is converted to serotonin in the brain and thus elevates mood and makes you happier.
This list is short, but that’s for a good reason: to add them all to your daily meals.
Remember, cucumber is at the top of the list with zero-calorie foods, so it might be a great option when trying to lose some weight.