Menopause And How To Rebalance The Hormones

Menopause is the biological process that is bound to happen naturally in women. Let’s learn more about menopause and hormones!
Most women are afraid of reaching menopause because they associate menopause with the end of fertility and can have negative sexual impacts.
Although menopause marks the end of fertility, if it occurs naturally, the woman can still remain healthy, sexual and vital.
In most cases, menopause occurs after twelve months of the last menstrual period in women and it marks the end of the childbearing age.
There is no specific age that marks the normal beginning of menopause but in most cases, it is perceived to begin at the late 40s.
Also, there are positive side effects of menopause in women, one of them being a natural way of family planning.
Since the woman is still sexually active after menopause, she no longer needs to worry about pregnancy.
Some of the negative effects of menopause include emotional imbalance that may often disrupt your sleep.
Withdrawal Symptoms Of Menopause
In most cases, most people associate withdrawal as a happening that only takes place in individuals who are rehabbing from heavy alcohol or drug abuse.
Basically, in women menopause is a different kind of withdrawal.
Menopause can be perceived as estrogen withdrawal. Once the level of estrogen production in the body dramatically drops, the female body starts undergoing through menopause.
Although the production of estrogen dramatically drops, the estrogen factory does not completely close rather there is still the minimal production of estrogen in the woman’s body.
Due to this fact, there is the creation of the hormonal imbalance in the woman’s body, therefore, the withdrawal symptoms.
Although every woman goes through estrogen withdrawal, it can be more intense in some women.
The estrogen withdrawal is associated with some serious mental and physical side effects, such as:
- Oestrogen is linked with regulating body temperature; therefore, estrogen withdrawal is associated with hot flashes.
- Oestrogen also helps the body’s intake of serotonin. Serotonin helps the body in regulating moods; therefore, estrogen withdrawal is associated with regular mood swings.
- There are also other many side effects associated with menopause that include pain during sex, weight gain, memory loss, dryness, itching, and headaches.
All these negative side effects of menopause put a woman in a situation where is regularly under intense stress and anxiety.
What Happens To Hormones During Menopause?
During the perimenopause period (period slightly before the menopause), most of the menopausal symptoms appear.
Depending on the woman, perimenopause can last for one to ten years. During this period, most of the hormonal changes occur and cause most of the symptoms of menopause to appear.
Menopause period leads to ovaries producing fewer eggs resulting in the production of fewer hormones. Oestrogen and progesterone are the two hormones that are essentially responsible for reproduction and menstrual cycle.
The production of these hormones is limited during the transition from reproductive to non-reproductive cycles in the woman’s life.
In most cases, the production of these hormones eventually stops and this marks the end of menstrual cycles in women marking the beginning of postmenopause.
Hormonal change is significantly associated with causing menopausal symptoms hence the withdrawal. Basically, during perimenopause, the levels of progesterone, estrogen, and testosterone produced by the female’s body eventually drop.
During the transition period, hormones fluctuate vastly. Hormonal imbalance and fluctuation lead to a rough transition period.
How To Rebalance The Hormones?
There are several lifestyle changes that you can implement during perimenopause and the body can naturally adjust to the change in hormone levels.
Some of the lifestyle changes that the woman is required to observe include:
- Eating a healthy, well-balanced diet;
- Staying hydrated;
- Exercising daily for at least thirty minutes;
- Practicing breathing exercises;
- Avoiding excessive amounts of caffeine and alcohol;
- Taking time to distress;
- Sleeping seven to eight hours per night;
- Increasing your vitamin B, D, C, and E intake.
Like all other withdrawals, ensure that you have a close friend or a specialist to talk to and share your problems.
Menopause is one of the various transitions that a woman’s body undergoes through her lifespan.
Menopause is perceived as a woman’s body going through withdrawal because like any other withdrawal, menopause is associated with symptoms and side effects.
There are various methods to help curb the negative side effects of the symptoms associated with estrogen withdrawal that ranges from natural ways to the use of medication.
In severe cases, women are advised to seek appropriate menopause advice and, where necessary, treatment.
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