Tabata Training – 4 Minute Intense Workout Video

One of the best ways to lose weight and to keep yourself in top shape is to do fitness. Among all styles of fitness lately, extremely popular is the Tabata training.
Intensively, the method set up for athletes in Japan, gaining ground among those who want a toned body and good health, with less time for effort.
4 Minute Tabata Training
Tabata training is based on sessions of 20 seconds of intense exercise, where you have to deposit a lot of effort followed by 10 seconds of rest. The two steps are repeated 8 times.
You can ride a bicycle, you can run, you can do gymnastics or any other movements known as a deposit for a maximum effort every 10 seconds.
4 Minutes Tabata Training appeared in 1996, under the name Dr. Izumi Tabata and the athletic program was implemented in Japan.
Students that followed this method had experienced 88 minutes of exercise in this way per week. At the end of six weeks, cardiovascular and muscle tests gave incredible results.
“They were like dead peoples at first. After 4 minutes of intense exercise were exhausted but after 6 weeks were realized that the results were incredible. Everyone was surprised. We found, after tests, that this method reduces the risk of diabetes.“, said Dr. Tabata for The Guardian.
How Many Calories Can You Burn With Tabata?
Everything depends on you and the effort you choose to deposit it in the 20 seconds repeated movement. And will burn calories during the 24-36 hours in a higher number than normal.
Dr. Tabata says that you can burn up to 150 more calories in 12 hours, even when you rest. Tabata training is recommended if you have a good physical condition but it is accessible to all.
Although very quickly, it is tiring; so instead of 8 cycles, a man unfamiliar with the intense movement supports only 6 or 7.
“We decided to provide information about this method because even when I feel flattered to see on Youtube when people try it, many do it totally wrong. They do not realize the intensity that has to work.“, said Tabata.
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