How To Find Stress Relief During A Pandemic

Stress is hunting us, especially during these harsh times. So if you’re looking for stress relief during the pandemic, check out these tips.
COVID-19 has created plenty of stress for everyone. From economic scares, job losses, market drops, new cases every day, and a high death rate in comparison to the rest of the word, it’s safe to say that the US has suffered greatly.
COVID-19 spread like wildfire, and as long as we’re still debating its very existence and dangers, it will continue to do so.
But enough about that; what about finding solace during a pandemic? How does one relieve the daily stress that accompanies such a long-lasting and impactful event?
How do you navigate the politicization of a virus, the constant arguments between shop owners and anti-makers, and the overall atmosphere of doom hanging in the air?
This is our guide to finding stress relief during a pandemic.
4 Steps To Finding Stress Relief During A Pandemic
Here’s what you should do to relieve your stress during the COVID-19 pandemic:
1. Find An Unbiased News Source
Yeah. Right. An unbiased news source? That’s a joke, right?
Luckily, there are actually news publications that focus on facts and well-researched information instead of politics, rhetoric, and fear.
The problem with most mainstream media is that fear sells headlines, column inches, and screen time. The more frightening a headline is, the more attention it commands.
You’ll never see a headline like “COVID-19 Still A Threat, But Communities Are Rallying To Support Each Other”.
Instead, you’d likely see something like “COVID-19 Claims Thousands In New York; Still No Aid From Feds”.
Can you see the difference between the two? Once is steeped in hope, bringing attention to the wonderful things that communities all over the country are doing to support each other, while the other is pandering fear, doubt, and mistrust.
Here are some fact-based news outlets that care more about the information and less about fear and politics:
- The New York Times;
- The Wall Street Journal;
- The Washington Post;
- BBC News;
- The New Yorker.
2. Focus On Something Constructive
If you’ve been laid off from work and find yourself with plenty of free time, there’s never been a greater opportunity to learn new skills or build a new hobby.
Plenty of people have utilized their free time to learn an instrument, learn a new job-related skill, or take a college course.
Music is known to be therapeutic and can help alleviate stress in times of crisis.
You could finally learn how to cook. Or, you could put together that puzzle you’ve been ignoring since last Christmas. You could even complete that home renovation you’ve been putting off for two summers now.
Whatever you’re doing, it’ll be good to keep your mind and your hands busy and focused somewhere other than the pandemic.
3. Take Time To Decompress
Alternatively, you don’t have to do anything during the pandemic. Some people have been using the time off to decompress, realign, and take a much-needed break from the pressures of everyday life and work.
This is ok, too! All of us need a break, and being out of work might just be the break needed to aim us in the right direction.
One thing you’ll probably spend plenty of time doing in quarantine is thinking. There’s nothing wrong with thinking, of course, but don’t let it get out of control.
Yes, the pandemic is serious, but panicking does nothing but create more stress.
If you feel your thoughts spinning out of control, you can turn to an online chatroom or trusted friend to vent. It’s ok to be stressed, but letting that stress take over can be dangerous.
4. Take Proper Precautions
Much of the stress that comes from the pandemic is the fear of possibly catching the COVID-19 virus. The best way to avoid this is to pay close attention to changing guidelines and state regulations.
Here are some resources on COVID-19 guidelines:
Wear your mask in public. Yes, masks do make a difference, despite what you may have read on Facebook. No one’s rights are being trampled — these are simple precautions to protect everyone.
Maintain social distancing of 6 feet or more if you must go in public, and always wash your hands as frequently as you can.
If you have a fever or any flu-like symptoms, do not go out in public for 14 days.
This, Too, Will End
It’s easy to get caught up in hopelessness. Our world leaders have made a mess of the situation, people are still fighting the simple guidelines, and it would seem the mankind is acting incredibly selfish.
But remember, we’ve handled pandemics before. We’ve survived war, famine, and every sort of atrocity imaginable. This, too, will end.
Vaccinations are already being researched, and much of the world is beginning to recover.
Follow these tips to find stress relief during the pandemic and even after all this chaos will be over.
Stay strong, follow guidelines, and don’t watch politicized news or news sources that thrive on fear. Take care of yourself and your family!