Get Sexy Thighs In Just 6 Minutes A Day With These Exercises

I noticed that this sexy thighs obsession has been around for a couple of years or maybe even more. So I think we should approach it properly.
Please do not judge your worth by the distance between your thighs (thigh gap). Don’t judge by how much you weight! That’s not how much you worth.
You’re more than that, you’ve got skills, you’ve got talent, you’ve got brains, you’ve got everything that doesn’t have to be physical.
The physical is something we can work on it together and that’s why I prepared this set of 5 exercises for sexy thighs.
Best Exercises For Sexy Thighs
So today we’re working on thighs because I know you guys love toning that area of your body. You don’t need any weights to get through this workout for sexy thighs. Let’s go ahead and get started!
Slowly roll down with your back straight on your mat. The first move we’re gonna do will really attack the inner and outer thighs and it’s called criss cross scissors:
1. Criss Cross Scissors
Place the hands by the sides and lift up your legs.
It is very important that your lower back stays pressed into the mat.
This way you’ll not gonna hurt your back.
Now move your legs like scissors and open them as wide as you can.
Do these moves for about one minute.
2. Froggers
From the same position, keep your heels together and knees over the hips.
Bring your heels towards your butt and push it back up.
Keep your knees as wide as possible to work your inner thighs.
Push it hard for one minute.
3. Froggers With Heels Apart
This exercise is the same as the normal froggers, the only difference is that you need to keep your heels wide apart.
Try to keep the same distance between your heels the whole time.
Do this exercise for about a minute.
4. Legs Up And Down
Start with your legs up, toes pointing outwards.
Keep your hands by the sides and slowly let your legs down but without touching the mat.
While your legs are moving up and down, you constantly need to bring your heels together and then spread them apart.
Repeat these moves for a minute.
5. Windshield Wipers
Stand only on your feet and shoulders (like a bridge) and make sure that your pelvis is looking towards the ceiling.
Bring the heels together and press the left heel out.
Flex the foot, don’t point it and keep the butt off the mat.
Now move your left leg out and in.
Keep your leg straight and low to the floor and your butt as high as you can.
Perform this exercise for sexy thighs for one minute on each leg.
6 Minutes To Sexy Thighs Video
To make things easier, here’s a video with this thigh workout so you can follow it along:
How did your thighs feel? Do they feel on fire? Please leave a comment below and tell everyone how it felt. Stay fit!