How To Feel Confident And Beautiful As A New Mom

We all know that all new moms need positive support. So these self-confidence tips should help them boost their self-esteem and confidence.
Becoming a new mom or having your second, third, or fourth child takes a ton of strength and bravery. But, while it’s a rewarding time, it’s no walk in the park.
When babies are tiny, they take up a lot of time and energy. So, it can be challenging to focus on yourself and feel as independent as before.
Not to mention, pregnancy and childbirth are very draining on the human body, so it can take a long time to feel like yourself again.
While you don’t have to feel pressure to look a certain way, taking care of yourself is key to your own well-being and that of your kids.
So, by focusing on your confidence and joy, you’ll embrace your health and feel great doing so.
Self-Confidence Tips For New Moms
Here are some self-confidence tips to help new moms, and even some for new parents in general:
Don’t Be Too Hard On Yourself
While going through these tips and advice, remember that the most important thing is to give yourself the space to heal and adapt at your own pace.
While there’s a lot of information out there telling moms they aren’t good enough or doing enough, you definitely are enough.
So, if things don’t go according to plan, try not to beat yourself up about it.
For example, if your breastfeeding plan doesn’t work how you wanted, try to be adaptable and look for resources to help, such as a breastfeeding consultation with an IBCLC to help guide your breastfeeding journey and help with any unanticipated obstacles.
Five Tips To Gain Back Confidence During This Adjustment Time
Here are some specific ways you can reconnect with yourself and feel confident as you take care of a new little one:
1. Keep up on beloved hobbies
Taking time for yourself with a baby in the house isn’t easy, but you’ll feel more like yourself if you still carve out time for things you love to do.
2. Speak kindly to yourself
Verywell re-emphasizes the need to talk positively to yourself. Positive self-talk will change your mindset.
3. Try some gentle exercises
This idea of getting back to a “pre-baby body” can be toxic and used to shame moms, but some physical activity is healthy for your mind and body. You don’t have to run a marathon. You can just take a walk.
4. Find resources to support your motherhood journey
If you are a first-time mom, you may feel overwhelmed by all the things you need to know and learn.
Remember that trusting your instincts is critical, and there isn’t always one right way to do things. But, there are many helpful resources, from online groups to local meet-ups with other parents.
5. Take a break
Finally, know that you deserve a break. Depending on your situation, this is often easier said than done, but if you have someone who can take over childcare duties for you, it’s best to take advantage of this. You don’t have to feel bad about it either.
Finally, be proud of yourself. Parenting is one of the most demanding jobs in the world.
Fake It Til You Make It
Even if you already have kids, parenting is never a one-size-fits-all thing. What worked for one kid may not work for the next.
So, if you’re unsure about your parenting skills or yourself, try to embrace confidence even when you don’t feel like it will go far.
One idea from First Things First is to think about one moment of parenting triumph you had in the day and focus on that for at least a minute.
You can also apply this same trick to one thing you did for yourself that you’re proud of from the day.