Protein Shake | How To Properly Prepare One

Below we offer a few tips that are worth to take them into consideration if you want to get expert and prepare the best and healthiest protein shakes:
Protein Shake Tips
Tip # 1 – You need calories? Make it creamy
Whipped cream, cheese cream, mascarpone and yogurt are an excellent idea to add flavor, calories and creamy taste to your shake. Try adding ½ cup cream or sour cream to each 500 ml of shake and three tablespoons of cream cheese, a spoonful of mascarpone or whole yogurt.
Tip # 2 – Prepare at home an excellent whipped topping
Put a cup of whipped cream in a bowl, add a teaspoon of vanilla extract and 125 grams of sweetener. Mix all ingredients with a mixer and put them into the fridge.
Tip # 3 – Add the chocolate and cocoa
Do not be afraid to make a shake flavored with fruits, dark chocolate and cocoa. It combines perfectly with fruit flavor including blackberry, strawberry, banana or orange.
Tip # 4 – Get from the shake your perfect smoothie
Instead of doing your usual unshaken, combine fruit with protein powder, yogurt with a tablespoon of cream cheese or mascarpone, and you will get a delicious smoothie.
Tip # 5 – Get “Fat”
If you’re in a diet / definition, is difficult to find a creative way to sneak a quantity of grease required quality. If you try to limit daily fat intake or if you miss a meal, try and add your shake a small amount of coconut oil. Your body will get the daily requirement of “good” fats.
Tip # 6 – Green spinach
Sounds weird, but you know that spinach is hiding many healthy recipes for preparing shakes. If you can not stand vegetables, reduce that portion of spinach in blender and add the problem is solved!
Tip # 7 – Add peanut butter
If you like peanut butter, add a tablespoon or two in your chocolate protein shake.Se perfect combination!
Tip # 8 – Sweeten up healthy!
If your shake is missing the sweet taste, add a small amount of natural sweetener or honey (depending on the combination) into the blender.
Tip # 9 – Use coffee
Prepare your coffee. Add to it a cup of chocolate flavored protein powder and combine with other flavors such as vanilla extract, cocoa, dark chocolate, almond milk, cream (prepared by you at home). Mix everything. You can combine this mixture with ice in a blender and mixing the whole composition, definitely you will get a soft drink.
Eating healthy, building muscle mass or losing weight – all that is required to address it as a lifestyle and not have to involve boredom in the kitchen and feed you to your style. Detect as many natural products and get used to always have them in the fridge or cupboard and every time you want to make a shake, become creative.
Make a list of where to include your favorite combinations of flavors and use the products when doing your protein shake. Do not be afraid to make mistakes in the kitchen and we do not mean just the preparation of shakes, but in general. All super recipes require time and testing to find the best combination. Know that stage when a dish is made with the same ingredients by two people and taste different?
PS: Do not be afraid to include in your diet products that have not eaten before. Discover new preferences, try and combine them properly.
So, let’s get our shake on!