7 Nutritional Supplements That Fight Depression

7 Nutritional Supplements That Fight Depression

Depression is a real mental health condition that can be controlled with the help of these seven nutritional supplements for depression.

When you’re depressed, the smallest things can seem impossible. It can impact your quality of life to the point where it’s difficult to function.

However, there are things to do when you have depression that can help you, and there are foods you can eat to improve your mood.

Also, some nutritional supplements for depression can aid you when you’re feeling down.

Nutritional Supplements For Depression

Here are some common supplements and nutrients that can help you when you’re feeling depressed:

1. Folic Acid

Folic acid is a form of folate or vitamin B9. You can find it in vegetables and fruits. Many leafy greens contain it.

Folic acid affects our neurotransmitters and can help us feel less depressed.

Also, people with mthfr defect are encouraged to take at least 0.4 milligrams of folic acid each day to avoid any unwanted effects of this gene mutation.

This supplement has even been compared to antidepressants since it boosts your mood instantly.

In one study that appeared on CNN, patients took folic acid and showed a notable increase in mood. 95% of women who took the folic acid noted that their mood improved.

2. Omega 3’s

Omega 3’s are found in foods like fish and eggs. They’ve been known to improve people’s moods. You can take omega-3 as supplements.

Omega fatty acids have potent effects on our minds and bodies.

They can help you with depression, but they’re also some of the best vitamins for anxiety. So if you struggle with a combination of depression and anxiety, taking this supplement can help you in more ways than one, especially if you don’t get a high amount of omega-3s in your regular diet.

You can look for fish oil that has DHA in it, and it can help with brain function. Sometimes when you’re depressed, your brain can feel foggy, and you can get the clarity you need with DHA.

The supplement promotes brain health, and if you take it during pregnancy, it can decrease your risk of having a baby that experiences a mental health condition.


GABA is known as gamma-Aminobutyric acid. It’s a neurotransmitter that helps with stress.

You can find it in a pill form or a powder, and it’s been linked to helping people with anxiety and depression.

People have noticed that their mood improves overall when they take this nutritional supplement.

4. St. John’s Wort

St. John’s Wort herb helps people that experience low mood or depression.

Supplements like St John’s Wort, Sam-E, or 5-HTP are all things that can help people with depression and anxiety.

5. Ginseng

Ginseng is a Chinese herb that can help people who suffer from depression, because of its ability to energize you.

Many individuals notice that ginseng can help improve clarity in the brain and decreases stress. It can help people feel less lethargic and better able to function during the day.

6. Saffron

Saffron is something that people have noted as a supplement that helps with their depression.

In a two-month-long study, people took saffron to see if it improved their mood. Some took the spice and some participants were given an antidepressant.

85 percent of the people taking medication saw improvement in their depression, while 75 percent experienced relief from taking saffron.

The study shows that saffron can improve people’s moods.

7. 5-HTP

5-HTP can help with depression and mood regulation. It’s a natural amino acid and is found in most nutritional supplements for depression.

Our bodies naturally produce it, and it is a precursor to serotonin.

Since it’s connected to the body’s neurotransmitters, taking it in supplement form can help with depression and mood regulation.

Did You Consider Therapy For Depression?

Nutritional supplements for depression can help, but one thing to remember if you’re experiencing a mental health concern is that to complement the addition of supplements, it’s essential to seek the help of a mental health professional such as a therapist or counselor.

Therapy, supplements, and medication, if needed, are often used together to manage depression.

Be sure to talk to your doctor before adding these nutritional supplements for depression to your routine.

You can find a therapist online or search for one in your local area. It’s essential to find someone that you can talk to and someone who understands depression.

There are online therapy sites like BetterHelp that are flexible and convenient for your schedule. Don’t be afraid to talk about depression in a mental health setting like online therapy.

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Allitijesu A. E.
Allitijesu A. E.
5 years ago

Great job drawing our attention to the reality of depression, well as viable ways to cope and end the emotional inadequacy. Furthermore from my stance as a pet parent, lover, and content writer in that niche, I’ll like to stress the importance of emotional therapy pets in dealing depression. These… Read more »