Muscle Recovery Remedies To Take After Workout

With the right muscle recovery remedies, you may speed up your progress and may get the most out of every workout. Here are 10 easy methods.
You might hear for years from your personal trainers or from scientists that what you do after exercise is almost as essential as the workout itself.
Now, after decades of research into muscle recovery, people have a more obvious understanding of how important the post-workout session is for their overall training progress.
And according to the experts at Reshape, the post-workout routine is even of higher importance in the first 12 weeks of your training program when your body goes through adaptation.
Bodybuilders may have known this fact for years through trial and error. Your muscles do not grow stronger and bigger while you are lifting weights but they will grow after you give them time to rest.
After you put on stress or may be damaged during a workout, your muscle cells go through a process of recovery or adaptation, where they will increase and become stronger and bigger.
It is as if your muscles are saying, “If I have to experience that workout again, I will be ready!”
Even if your purpose is not growing muscle or strengthening them, exercise recovery is vital. Without sufficient rest, your muscles would not recover themselves and your endocrine system and adrenal glands could go into overdrive.
Your body will respond by releasing cortisol, your body’s main stress hormone. Surplus of cortisol may lead you to a number of health issues such as fatigue, weight gain, hypertension, etc.
You have to ascertain your body to receive enough rest after training or workout, even if you are doing a low-impact activity such as yoga or pilates.
You may also want to relieve delayed onset muscle soreness or well known as DOMS. DOMS is normal, but it may cause you to suffer for as long as 48 hours after an intense workout.
Nevertheless, efficient recovery is not only about preventing pain and complications, it is also about getting maximal benefit from your training progress. With the right muscle recovery remedies, you may speed up your progress and may get the most out of every workout.
Natural Remedies To Speed Up Your Muscles Recovery
While the buzzword “recovery” has become common in today’s health and fitness world, this term may have different meanings for different people.
Some people may consume stress nutrition and sports supplements, while others may seek self-administered physical therapy to help them recover after working out.
And, many elite trainers, including professional athletes, believe that a session in a steam room is the best method to recover from exercise.
But, the truth is that all of those methods may help you to acquire your training and recovery goals. Yet, you have to stay on track with your workout progress, it is better to rely on holistic solutions.
The top priority on the list has to be rest. Please make sure you get 7 to 9 hours of sleep every day and try to keep your training program between 30 minutes to an hour, depending on your intensity and goal.
With that in your mind, please look here for several natural remedies to speed up your muscle recovery:
1. Stretching Or Performing Myofascial Release
Stretching is a daily routine for several people who work out regularly, yet many of them may skip this precious warm-up and cool-down technique.
One study stated that stretching before and after working out may assist you to reduce muscle soreness. If you have ever applied a foam roller to relieve muscle tightness, you have performed self-myofascial release or well known as SMR.
Another research found that self-myofascial release may help you decrease soreness and increase muscle activation after exercise. Physical therapists trained in hands-on myofascial relief may also offer these benefits if you need more intensive treatment.
2. Consume A Protein Shake Or A High-Protein Meal
Recharging your muscle cells is important after you finish the exercise, especially if your main goal is growing and strengthening your muscles.
Several call this period after the training the “post-workout window,” but a study is not specific on the precise time period for maximizing advantages after the workout.
Protein is known as the building block of life and you should aim for at least the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) of 0.8 g of protein per kilogram of bodyweight.
Keep that in mind the RDA is purposed for sedentary people; therefore if you are on a workout program to build your muscle, you may want to increase your protein consumption.
3. Stay Hydrated With Water Or Sports Drinks
When you are dehydrated, your muscles may not be able to repair themselves and it may harm you. You are more likely to become dehydrated if you work out in hot or humid weather or places.
Health-care practitioners suggested drinking between one half-ounce and one ounce of water for each pound of your body weight.
Therefore, if your weight is 150 pounds, which means you have to drink 75 to 150 ounces each day.
If you are drinking sports drinks, including some of the big sellers, they usually contain loads of sugar, so read the product labels carefully first.
In addition, your body still needs its electrolytes recharged after an intense workout, therefore, it is not a shabby idea to down a low-sugar sports drink.
4. Use Branched-Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs)
The three BCAAs such as leucine, isoleucine, and valine, are crucial for muscle recovery and growth.
Especially the value of leucine, it is the only dietary protein that has the capacity to stimulate muscle protein synthesis.
In addition, leucine is also an essential amino acid, and your body does not make it on its own. You have to consume it from meals, liquids, or dietary supplements. Therefore, if you are exercising often and intensely, you should look into BCAAs.
5. Ingest Glutamine
Glutamine is the most conventional amino acid in the human body and supplies you with numerous advantages for post-workout.
A study showed that glutamine may speed up your muscle repair and lessen your soreness after working out.
Natural resources for glutamine are chicken, fish, spinach, dairy, and other foods.
You may also get it from a glutamine supplement or some protein shakes are fortified with glutamine, so check the product labels.
6. Get Yourself A Massage
The research found that therapeutic massage may be effective to help you reduce delayed onset muscle soreness and speed up muscle recovery.
The appliance appears to be in well-applied compression techniques. You may visit qualified chiropractors or therapists to get the correct massage so that it does not harm you but vice versa.
7. Try An Active Recovery
Active recovery is an objective cool-down method that you do after working out. You just simply perform 5 to 10 minutes of low-intensity workouts, such as pedaling on a stationary bike, after training to get your heartbeat going.
It will help you clear metabolic waste from your bloodstream which is created from the wear and tear of your exercise.
A study supports this technique for weakening soreness and speeding up muscle recovery.
8. Take A Salt Bath
You may try to immerse yourself in a warm bath with therapeutic Epsom salts or tropical sea salts for 20 to 30 minutes has been long-time recovery support for athletes.
Epsom salt is also known as magnesium sulfate, and magnesium comes up to be the mechanism that supports the body during the recovery process.
You only need two cups of Epsom salts per standard-size bathtub for your soak.
9. Take Ginger And Curcumin
According to a study, this spicy duo may be a recovery powerhouse for you. Curcumin and ginger may assist you to reduce muscle soreness and inflammation after working out.
In addition, numerous studies have recommended that ginger and curcumin may have protective and preventive effects against many diseases linked to inflammation such as cancer, diabetes, arthritis, and cardiovascular diseases.
These researchers reported the promising effects of curcumin use before and after working out in reducing the side effects of muscle damage.
Yet it is still not clear whether the timing of intake may play an important role in the proposed benefits.
10. Taking Steaming Therapy
It has been well known that taking a steam shower after working out is a valued recovery technique among hard-training athletes who need to recover quickly in order to prepare for the next competition.
But, even you may benefit from taking steam therapy which helps you with circulation, detoxification, soreness, and overall muscle recovery.
A study also found that moist heat may significantly weaken delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) after training. According to the researchers, “most clinicians feel that moist heat may pierce deep tissues better than dry heat for warming.”
Moreover, steam rooms may assist your tired joints and connective tissue recovery after working out.
According to one study, “heat has benefits in boosting muscle and ligament flexibility and may help weaken athletic injuries.”
Even many researchers have shown that intermittent heat treatment may limit cell damage after training while speeding up muscle regrowth.
Furthermore, steam heat may help you to increase your protein synthesis, it not only aids you to recover your muscle soreness but may assist your body to utilize your post-workout protein dose to its potential.
No wonder many professional athletes regularly use steam rooms after their training.
If you want to boost your fitness progress and get the most out of every workout, then you need to know every of these 10 muscle recovery remedies. They’ll help you get your muscles ready for the next workout.