Make Love And Burn Calories | The Perfect Diet

How Many Calories You Burn When You Make Love?
Love seems to be the perfect diet: butterflies in the stomach which perfectly hold hunger, happiness which help us get rid of unsightly fat. And pleasurable activities in two … are great for burning calories. Are you curious how many calories you burn when … you make love? Let’s talk in numbers!
Here’s how many calories you burn when you make love:
The kiss
Remember the passionate kisses from the beginning of the relationship that gradually were replaced by kisses on the run? Well, take a step back and kiss your lover like that! Besides the benefits of a passionate kiss for your relationship, it will help you burn about 70 calories per hour. And with so pleasant activity you will not realize how time flew!
I know it is nice to get a massage than to make one (even to the loved one), but next time you’re asked by him to fulfill this desire, think about how many calories you burn while helping your partner to get rid of pain and numbness. You lose more than 80 calories / hour, and the number increases as the massage is more intense!
Dance In 2
And no, I do not mean tango or waltz, but simply a slow dance, sprinkled with intense looks and sweet words! How many calories you burn squeezing your lover in your arms on music? Over 100 calories / 30 minutes! And if dance movements involve more complicated pirouettes or brisk steps, the better for your figure.
What could be more wonderful than to combine playing gestures of love with love, nuzzling, caress and sweet kisses? And 30 minutes of games and sensual gesture get rid of 200 calories, due to the acceleration pulse, shortness of breath and anticipation of what will follow…
Making love
Making love burns about 100 calories in 30 minutes, regulates blood pressure, strengthens the immune system, lowers the risk of heart disease and heart attack, increases our confidence and relieves stress! Of course, with the more passionate, the calorie consumption increases. And if it has to be extremely rigorous and to count every calorie, it would be wrong to consider the 10 calories burned when we get off our partner’s clothes.
However, besides curiosity about how many calories you burn when you make love with passion, never hurt to rediscover the sensual side and give free rein to the imagination when it comes to making love!