10 Actionable Steps To Improve Sleep (Baked By Science)

There are many people who struggle to get enough sleep every night, but these science-based tips will help improve sleep quality right away.
Scientific studies have suggested that at least 7 hours of sleep is required every night in order to remain healthier and function properly. [1]
Over 100-million Americans are deprived of proper sleep. So if you don’t want to be one of them, then you should try to improve the quality of your sleep.
Having an 8-hour restful sleep is enough for a reasonable person. However, as I’ve already told you, this is an issue with a lot of people.
This article will try to present you ten actionable steps to improve sleep quality and help you sleep longer.
10 Steps To Improve Sleep Quality
The first step towards getting a longer, quality sleep is preparation. It is important to prepare for having the right amount of sleep.
It is essential to building habits to fall asleep faster and sleep longer and in a more comfortable manner.
So here’s how to improve sleep in 10 simple steps:
1. Exercise Regularly
It is imperative to exercise on a regular basis. The main objective is not to drain you of all the energy.
In fact, studies have suggested that exercise can help improve sleep significantly. [2]
2. Avoid Alcohol, Coffee, And Smoking
The second habit that must be avoided absolutely is consuming alcohol, coffee, or smoking cigarettes. These habits can considerably disturb the sleep cycle and the end result is having a restless night.
If consumed in small doses, alcohol can actually promote sleep. But the chronic use of alcohol disrupts your sleep cycle and you end up feeling tired the entire next day. [3]
Consumption of caffeine must be reduced as well. It has been proven that if you drink coffee with up to six hours before going to bed, it can significantly affect your sleep. [4]
Nicotine, even in small doses, can be harmful to your sleep cycle. It significantly shortens your sleeping time and it makes you feel sleepy and move your legs during sleep. [5]
Make sure you don’t engage in any of these unhealthy activities.
3. Turn Off Your Phone
It has been proved by a number of researches that screen time completely disturbs the sleep cycle. [6]
Electronic devices can be detrimental in all aspects. It is recommended to turn off the gadgets at least an hour before bedtime.
Moreover, brightness at late night can further confuse the brain into thinking about the actual time.
4. Meditate
One of the habits that can be beneficial for people with such problems is meditation. There are several sleep-oriented methods that can be adopted and incorporated in the routine.
Meditation on a regular basis can help us to focus more on our sleeping routine.
5. Adopt A Healthy Nighttime Routine
The evening routine of every day has a significant impact on the night time routine. It goes hand in hand. So make sure that your evening rituals are not unhealthy.
Engage in some healthy work that doesn’t obstruct the nighttime sleep.
Before you get down on the bed, it is important to have the right environment. Here are some ways in which the right environment can be achieved:
6. Make Your Bed Comfortable
An average of 26 years of our lives is spent on the bed sleeping. This is why it is important to invest in the right bed.
Purchase the right mattress, pillows, and sheets. The right blanket must be bought as well. Hush blankets can be considered as well.
7. Adjust The Temperature
The right temperature must be set before going to sleep. Too warm or too cold can cause problems related to insomnia. [7]
However, it is up to you to find the right temperature suiting the body. All you need to do is just feel right when sleeping.
8. Get Rid Of The Distractions
It is absolutely vital to cut out the distractions. If the phone is waking you up, the email notifications are buzzing too much, or the kids are distracting, then it is time to either change the room or get rid of all these distractions at once.
9. Create A Sleeping Routine
This is something important to take into account. A proper sleep routine must be maintained in order to get the right amount of sleep every day.
Every person has a different schedule but it is critical to maintaining consistency within it.
10. Get Expert Help
Sometimes the issues can be very critical. Despite doing all the things mentioned above, the effects are not that promising. This can be either due to a biological or psychological reason.
A number of medical issues can be prevalent as well. You might be suffering from insomnia or any other related disease.
This is where expert help comes into play. It can be extremely beneficial to take the help of experts to not only figure out the issues and problems but also address them through different means.
Professionals can guide through the tips and techniques that must be adopted. The doctors will either guide over natural remedies or may even give a medical prescription to get out of the sleep problem.
Sleep Is Important!
Sleep is not only important for physical reasons but for psychological reasons as well.
Given the prevalent issue of insomnia and other related issues all across the globe, it is imperative that every person takes enough sleep in order to perform in an efficient and effective manner.
Hopefully, these science-based facts and tips to improve sleep will help you get a longer, more restful, and more comfortable sleep every night.