6 Important Things To Do To Overcome A Panic Attack

People with panic disorder have recurring and unexpected panic attacks. Here’s what you need to know to overcome a panic attack.
The episodes of intense fear are called “panic attacks”. A person having a panic attack may think he or she is dying or going crazy.
The fear and the symptoms it causes can be so severe that people who experience a panic attack may become afraid to be alone, to venture far from home, or to be in public places.
In some cases, people may even have agoraphobia, fear of being in a place or situation where escape might be difficult.
Everyone feels anxious and has the occasional panic attack, but for those with an anxiety disorder, it can be a great deal more serious.
How To Overcome A Panic Attack
Here’s what you should know to overcome a panic attack:
1. Don’t Avoid The Things That Make You Feel Anxious
Anxiety often comes with certain feelings of discomfort, but it’s by feeling uncomfortable that you can truly overcome anxiety. This means that if you are ever faced with something that triggers your anxiety, be sure to stay in the moment.
Situations, where there are no escape routes, are some of the most beneficial for those who are seeking advice to stop feeling anxious so they can overcome their fears. To avoid these triggers, you should make a plan to deal with the situation in advance.
By taking control of the uncomfortable situation, it will diminish its power over you.
Many people feel that because they are in a position where they have no escape route, that there is nothing that can be done to help them overcome their anxiety. This makes the situation even more frightening and is why advice on how to stop feeling anxious can be so beneficial.
If you are in a situation where something triggers your anxiety, such as public speaking, it is very important that you try not to avoid the fear by retreating from the situation.
2. Avoid Stress As Much As Possible
Panic attacks often follow the sudden release of stress, so it is important to try to identify what triggers your episodes and then plan how you can avoid these things.
It may not always be possible to control your environment 100 percent of the time, but with planning, you can improve your chances of being one step ahead.
This means planning what to do in the event of a panic attack when you are out and about so that you will be able to avoid panicking or having a meltdown.
Planning how to get back home in case an episode starts is also important so that you can quickly retreat from public places if necessary.
3. Stop Worrying
In many cases, a person may fear that they will have a panic attack when in public or when meeting new people. This means that the threat of this happening over and over again causes more and more anxiety and stress.
The best thing to do is break this cycle of worry and stop thinking about having another panic attack altogether.
If you have a fear of being alone, using relaxation techniques may be beneficial because it will provide a distraction from stressful thoughts.
Distraction is a simple way to overcome anxiety and panic attacks, but if you could employ any type of self-talk or positive thinking, this can help too.
4. Don’t Obsess About The Consequences
Another bad habit that people often develop is constantly worrying about the consequences of a panic attack. This means constantly thinking about who might see you having one and what they will think, how it will affect your life etc.
Just by doing this, you are giving yourself extra power to make this come true. You don’t need to do this. The reality is that panic attacks can happen anywhere, and they don’t have to affect your life in any way whatsoever.
5. Be Prepared
You should always carry medication with you just in case, and it is a good idea to know exactly what to do in the event of a panic attack. This means having the number of the mental health helpline on hand at all times.
You should also train yourself to relax in any situation, whether it is by taking ten deep breaths or repeating a calming word over and over again until you feel your stress levels fall.
Visualization can be another helpful tool that many uses when preparing for a panic attack.
6. Don’t Avoid Social Activities
Many people find that it is the stress of meeting new people or being in a group that causes them to have panic attacks.
If this is something you are experiencing, then you must plan how to cope with this.
Try your best to push through social situations, and you will learn that they are not as bad as you once thought.
The Takeaway
A panic attack can happen anywhere and at any time to anyone, but avoiding the things that bring about anxiety is not the way to go.
The best thing you can do for yourself when it comes to panic attacks is to accept them and try your best to move forward.
You should also realize that it cannot actually harm you and that it is just your body’s natural reaction to stress or anxiety.
Once you have this comforting knowledge, the fear of a panic attack will not be as big of a distraction anymore, and you can take back control of your life.