How To Break Unhealthy Habits Like Nail Biting And Hair Twirling

We all have a friend, co-worker or family member with unhealthy habits, such as nail biting or hair twirling. Why are they continuously doing it and why won’t they stop it?
Well, these unhealthy habits are behaviors that people trigger without being aware of them. So you might not know you’re doing it until someone else tells you.
STOP IT! And we don’t just say it, we mean it. And we’re also trying to help you by introducing to you several easy methods to get rid of these unhealthy habits.
Most Frequent Unhealthy Habits
Here are 2 of the most common unhealthy habits people might have and how to overcome them:
1. Nail Biting
Since it can cause infections and tissue damage in extreme cases, this unhealthy habit can be considered a health problem, falling under the category of pathological grooming behaviors.
Here are some useful tips for breaking nail biting:
- When you get the urge to bite your nails, wait for a few seconds. Then progressively increase the waiting time slowly, even set a timer if necessary.
- Cover your nails with band-aids. This will help you to remember that this unhealthy habit is a medical condition and you need to fight the urge. Although a band aid can help you mentally, it won’t keep you from biting your nails if you’re really “motivated”.
- Use nail polish that taste truly bad, such as this one. You don’t want to taste something that makes you throw up, right?
- Relax and try to manage your stress by taking some yoga or other meditation based classes.
Patience and slow, steady change is the only way to break an unhealthy habit like nail biting.
2. Hair Twirling
This health condition occurs more often in women, since most of them grow their hair long. I said health condition because this unhealthy habit can lead to frizzier hairs regrowing, and in some extreme cases to follicular damage.
Here is some advice that can help you to brake hair twirling habit:
- The continuation of any therapy that has proven helpful in the past. Managing any emotional and psychological issues is both vital and mandatory.
- Identify individual triggers and set up ways to catch those.
- Wear gloves while talking on the phone, watching Netflix or reading this article.
- Therapy balls may help you break hair twirling, since they are often used for sensory therapy
Hair loss can start as innocently as hair twirling while watching your favourite TV show.