Physical Fitness Can Help You Avoid Workplace Injuries

Integrating an exercise routine into your daily schedule can help you get fit, maintain a healthy body and mind, and avoid workplace injuries.
Every year numerous people are injured on the job. According to the latest numbers shared by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, about 2.8 million nonfatal workplace injuries (and illnesses) occurred in private industry workplaces in 2017.
Sometimes these unfortunate events can’t be helped, but if you’re proactive about your health, you can reduce the odds of being injured (or getting sick) on the job.
The ability to maintain good health doesn’t happen by osmosis. You have to work at it. This means making smart lifestyle choices both on and off the clock. These include:
- Maintaining a routine exercise regiment;
- Eating a healthy diet;
- Taking good vitamin supplements;
- And being proactive in the way you approach lifting and bending.
In this article, I’ll share some tips on simple ways to help you prevent and avoid workplace injuries.
Exercises To Keep You Fit And Avoid Workplace Injuries
Gadgets and connectivity are great when it comes to streamlining our lives, but one drawback is it has led to people becoming more sedentary. It’s important to take the time to exercise and stay in shape.
Aside from potentially gaining weight, a lack of exercise can lead to other types of problems including joint pain, lack of mobility, and weakened muscles.
Integrating a routine exercise program into your daily schedule can help you to avoid these problems.
If you’ve ever torn or strained a muscle, you know the pain and (sometimes) long recovery time that accompany this type of injury.
To avoid these injuries, don’t stay in one position too long, maintain good posture, and do routine stretches before doing any exercise or work-related physical activity.
Doing regular cardio exercises are vital to your overall good health. Take a brisk walk, run, ride a bike, jump rope, or dance – all of these will help contribute to a healthy weight, heart, and overall good health.
Other excellent activities you can engage in to strengthen your body and keep you fit include swimming, strength training, and tai chi.
Also, be sure to learn how to properly lift and bend while at work or at home. Many back injuries are spurred by doing these movements incorrectly, especially when dealing with heavy objects or repetitive motions.
Best Foods To Eat/Avoid To Stay Healthy
Eating a healthy diet brings a lot of health benefits such as:
- Reduces the chances of getting diseases;
- Contributes to good blood pressure;
- Makes your heart stronger;
- Increases bone density;
- Boosts muscle strength;
- Decreases susceptibility to illness and injury;
- Boosts your immune system.
Overall, eating a healthy diet gives you more energy and helps you to feel good. Here are the foods you should eat or avoid in order to boost your metabolism and avoid workplace injuries:
1. Get Enough Calcium
You can do this by making sure you consume enough milk, yogurt, cheese, soy, kale, spinach, collard greens, beans, lentils, figs, sardines, canned salmon, and other fortified foods and drinks.
2. Eat Plenty Of Fiber
If you eat plenty of grains, fresh veggies and fruit, lentils, legumes, oats, unsaturated fats, and omega-3 fatty acids, you should have no problem getting enough fiber in your daily diet.
3. Eliminate, Or At Least Cut Heavily Back, On Processed Foods
Processed foods often contain unnecessary levels of salt, sugar, and fat. They also often contain dyes, artificial flavorings, and other unhealthy additives. Many processed foods lack nutritional value.
4. Avoid Sugars
Too much sugar in the diet can lead to weight gain, heart problems, diabetes, and possibly increase your risk of cancer. Not to mention, sugar has no nutritional value. Like at all.
5. Focus On Superfoods
The bottom line, aim to include as many of the “superfoods” into your diet as you can. Top additions to your daily meals should include:
- Quinoa;
- Kale;
- Avocados;
- Yogurt;
- Beans;
- Blueberries;
- Raspberries;
- Strawberries;
- Broccoli;
- Tomatoes;
- Spinach;
- Eggs;
- Fish (oily);
- Nuts;
- Seeds;
- Oranges;
- Sweet potatoes;
- And tea (freshly brewed – hot or iced).
It’s even good to add some dark chocolate into your diet – in moderation of course.
Best Vitamins To Take To Prevent Workplace Injuries
Vitamins and other supplements can’t replace a healthy diet, but they can do what their name suggests – supplement to ensure your body gets a little more of the components it needs to stay healthy.
- Take a daily multi-vitamin – these are best unless a doctor tells you to take more of a specific vitamin or mineral.
- Don’t take supplements that provide over 100% of the recommended daily value levels of any vitamin.
- Understand the differences between fat and water-soluble vitamins because you can actually overdose on fat-soluble vitamins, and want to be careful not to take too much. Water-soluble vitamins easily pass through the body.
- Be sure to make sure any supplements you take are regulated so you know what you’re ingesting is safe.
Always talk to your doctor before adding any supplement to your daily regimen. You want to ensure you’re taking the correct ones that add value to your diet.
Let Technology Help You
Technology is often associated with laziness, weight gain, and an overall sedentary lifestyle. However, you can use it to actually improve upon your health.
Check out these apps to help you reach your diet and exercise goals.
My Diet Coach
This app helps you to set a goal and keep on track to reach it.
MyFitness Pal
A comprehensive app you can use to manage weight, nutrition, and fitness. Log your exercise, track your steps, and log what you’ve eaten.
Shopwell: Better Food Choices
An app that enables you to create a food profile and integrate it with your diet goals, health concerns, food dislikes, and allergies. Scan a food label to get a personalized nutrition score. App also offers grocery recommendations.
Record by Under Armour
This app tracks sleep, activity, nutrition, and overall fitness, and provides personalized insights related to good health.
Taking good care of yourself will go a long way when it comes to avoiding a work injury or having to take sick time. Be proactive and look out for yourself. Your body will thank you for it.