What Is Involved In Holistic Alcohol Detox?

The holistic alcohol detox involves addressing the emotional, physical, and psychological needs of the patient at the same time. Learn more about it here.
When people first enter rehab for alcohol use disorder (AUD), the first step in the journey towards sobriety is detox.
Many people are unaware of what’s involved in detox from alcohol and the kind of withdrawal symptoms they are likely to experience.
The holistic approach to detox is designed to allow patients to rid their bodies of alcohol-related toxins in a natural and gentle way.
Detoxification from alcohol can be an intense experience for some people, particularly those who have more serious AUD.
For this reason, it is always recommended to go through detox from alcohol in an alcohol treatment center where there is 24/7 specialist supervision available.
The main reason supervised detox is considered beneficial is because withdrawal symptoms can be treated as and when they arise.
People who detox from alcohol on their own often find withdrawal so difficult that they are driven to use alcohol to reduce symptoms, which perpetuates their AUD.

Holistic Alcohol Detox
The holistic approach to detox involves addressing the emotional, physical, and psychological needs of the patient at the same time.
Whereas traditional medical detox seeks to treat alcohol detox symptoms, the holistic approach focuses directly on the individual concerned in terms of their overall wellbeing.
We take the view that people who have been abusing alcohol for a prolonged period of time require a natural path to sobriety that doesn’t involve any other substances.
We also recommend at least 30-days for a detox program so that patients are able to take back their power from alcohol at their own pace.
Holistic detox is a completely substance-free way of taking the first step towards recovery which includes frequent massage therapy or aromatherapy sessions to ease the symptoms of withdrawal.
Depending on how long a person has been using or abusing alcohol, withdrawal symptoms can vary considerably.
Mild withdrawal symptoms usually emerge around 6 hours after the last time alcohol was consumed and include:
- Anxiety;
- Shaky hands;
- Sweating;
- Headaches;
- Nausea;
- Vomiting;
- Insomnia.
After around 12-24 hours from the last drink, more serious problems can emerge including hallucinations and seizures. Some people say that can see, feel, or hear things that are not actually there.
Although some refer to detox hallucinations as delirium tremens (DTs), they are not the same thing.
Delirium tremens usually start from 2 days or 48 hours after the last drink and are extremely severe forms of hallucinations known as delusions.
Around 5% of people detoxing from alcohol experience DTs and so it is not a very common withdrawal symptom.

About Holistic Alcohol Treatment Programs
People with alcohol use disorder know firsthand how they have been negatively impacted by their illness.
Although alcohol creates pleasurable feelings that encourage people to drink more, once a person is addicted, they can lose all self-control of their need to use and it becomes a compulsion beyond their control.
As addiction illness develops, this compulsion can become quite overwhelming, making it difficult for the person to stop using alcohol despite the negative consequences it may be causing.
For people looking for a “whole person” approach to recovery from AUD, a holistic alcohol treatment center is worth considering.
Research published by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) recommends that addiction treatment programs target addiction and wellness with a comprehensive approach which holistic therapies deliver.
The reason holistic therapies are so effective is that they improve the well-being of the entire person. This differs from traditional medicine which treats the symptoms of an illness rather than the cause.
Non-12-Step Treatment suggests that a person’s overall well-being is best promoted when the mind, body, and spirit are healed at the same time.
The holistic approach restores the natural balance in the body and introduces individuals who have been dependent on alcohol for some time to a new lifestyle that is alcohol-free.
Holistic alcohol detox and rehab are valuable in an alcohol treatment center because many people with AUD have issues across multiple areas of their functioning.
It is important to understand the individual’s needs and also their positive attributes which can contribute to positive recovery outcomes, factors that are often overlooked in traditional rehab.
Because of the wide range of holistic therapies available, it is easily possible for patients to learn new practices and techniques that resonate with their recovery objectives and offer sound relapse protection.
The kind of therapies available at holistic alcohol treatment centers includes:
- Meditation;
- Yoga;
- Aromatherapy;
- Art and music therapy;
- Adventure therapy;
- Physical fitness;
- Body rejuvenation;
- And nutritional awareness, among others.
Each level of holistic treatment has particular benefits for patients in alcohol rehab. And individuals are able to incorporate the skills learned into their lives as a natural mechanism to protect their hard-earned sobriety.