Beyond Addiction: The Effects Of Narcotics On Your Mental And Physical Health

Drug addiction has a degrading impact on your overall health. Here are the effects of narcotics on both your physical and mental health.
We know that opioids are super addictive, but what else can they do? Read on to learn about the effects of narcotics on your health.
Opioids are some of the most dangerous and addictive narcotics out there, killing 130 people each day.
Even if you’re one of the lucky ones and don’t overdose, narcotics can have a major impact on your body and mind that lasts for years to come. Or worse, never goes away at all.
To learn more about the true effects of narcotics on your mental and physical health, make sure you keep reading.
Physical Effects Of Narcotics
Opioids are generally prescribed as pain killers. However, their widespread use proves problematic since so many people find themselves hooked.
While they’re certainly effective at managing pain, the long-term damage that narcotics like oxycontin shows how harmful these prescriptions can be.
Academic studies note that opioid usage has a major impact on several key organs, such as the gastrointestinal system. Patients reported experiencing constipation, bloating, and nausea.
As if that wasn’t concerning enough, oxy addiction can damage the heart, nervous system, and immune systems.
Narcotics And The Brain
Of course, physical havoc is far from the only danger posed by narcotic addiction. The mental impact is every bit as terrifying.
Oxy, Vicodin, and the like target the pleasure centers of our brains by releasing large quantities of dopamine, the chemical responsible for feelings of euphoria.
Over time, narcotics users’ brains grow accustomed to the increased levels of dopamine to the point that the brain has trouble functioning without its presence.
This is particularly frightening for addicts who may have a co-occurring disorder. These occur when someone struggles with addiction as well as a mental health condition.
As such, those who are genetically predisposed to mental health disorders or addiction may have a more difficult time quitting narcotics.
Finding A Light At The End Of The Tunnel
Addiction to narcotics can seem like a life sentence. However, you should know that help is out there.
If there’s one upside to the current opioid crisis, it’s that addiction treatment centers have a greater understanding of how to treat opioid addiction. Learn about your options and find a treatment plan that works for you.
You don’t have to let addiction rule your life and you’re not the only person struggling. Help is out there if you’re willing to take it.
Narcotics And Their Impact
Whether you’re concerned about the physical or mental effects of narcotics, it’s clear that opioid usage poses a serious risk. Narcotics can do serious damage to your body and mind – some of which are irreversible.
And while responsible prescription usage is possible, it’s always a good idea to explore the full list of options with your doctor before deciding on an opioid.
Likewise, remember that you can reclaim your life from addiction by seeking treatment. It’s never too late for a fresh start.
For information on overcoming addiction and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, make sure to check back with our blog for regular content updates.