Diet Pills: Are They Medical Drugs Or Supplements?

You may call them drugs, supplements, or whatever you want, but diet pills can really enhance your weight loss if they are taken accordingly.
We’ve all heard about this or that dietary supplement, and for the most part, many of them seem to deliver on their promises.
However, scientific research has revealed plenty of interesting information about diet pills.
There are good reasons why these products are classified as dietary supplements, and not as medical drugs.
Why Are Diet Pills Not Considered Medical Drugs?
There are a few reasons diet pills aren’t considered medical drugs, even though they act and are advertised as such.
1. Diet Pill Manufacturers Are Against It
Among the most common reasons is that their manufacturers don’t want them to be classified as drugs.
This is because the FDA requires real medical products to be proven to work. And for many diet pill manufacturers, this is a challenge that they are not willing to take.
Diet pill manufacturers know that the effectiveness of most diet pills tends to vary from person to person. And without consistent results, they know that they will not get the FDA’s approval.
This is further born out by scientific research, and the need for consistent, measurable results across various subjects.
2. Diet Pills Don’t Work Alone
The second reason is that diet pills, unlike the medical drugs, don’t work without exercise and a healthy diet.
Diet pill manufacturers know that their products are not calorie burning formulas, and so they will promote them as such. To do so would be an open invitation to numerous lawsuits.
3. The Results May Vary
The third reason is that tests of the kind the FDA requires tending to be expensive. Testing a particular diet pill requires time and the backing of research institutions.
Diet pill manufacturers also know that most research on diet pills tend to have inconclusive results, which is why they don’t even want to bother.
Also, many diet pills use organic ingredients, which in most cases, do not offer consistent results.
So the next you hear or read about a diet or weight loss that offers this or that effect, it’s important to differentiate the facts from the advertising.
Are Diet Pills Fake?
However, this isn’t to say that diet pills are fake either. It just means that they are not backed by the FDA and medical organizations.
Despite their lack of prestige, plenty of people still use them because they’re better than taking nothing at all, and also because they tend to boost the effects of exercise and dieting.
In fact, many personal trainers and weight loss professionals routinely promote weight loss pills to help their clients lose weight or gain lean muscles faster.
For example, personal trainer Todd Person, who founded the Metabolic Project, a personal training facility in L.A., said that when used in conjunction with diet and exercise, some diet pills can speed up the weight loss process.
Dietary weight loss pills are also widely promoted in gyms, dojos and other similar institutions because of their potentially positive effects.
Furthermore, some weight loss products are designed to have specific effects. Some are designed specifically to help people achieve their weight loss goals, while others are designed to suppress their appetites.
Diet pills offer these effects thanks in large part to their ingredients, most of which are based on all-natural substances.
Other weight loss pills might as well be vitamin supplements in that most of their positive features are the result of vitamins and minerals.
The trouble with these ingredients, of course, is that their effects are unreliable. The effects of a particular diet pill may appear in a few days or they could manifest after weeks. In some cases, the effects are indirect.
These variations are another reason why diet pills are not considered medical drugs. They may offer the results they promise, but not in the way their consumers think.
Case Of Study: Testogen
Consider, for example, the side effects of taking Testogen.
Having higher testosterone levels will drastically change your body’s functions, but products like Testogen don’t actually boost your testosterone levels directly.
Instead, they boost those organs which are responsible for natural testosterone production.
So even though Testogen can boost your body’s testosterone levels, it does not boost it the way steroids or other substances do. And this is a good thing!
Weight loss pills will never likely be considered medical products, but this doesn’t mean that they are not effective.
Like many health supplement products, they have something to offer to people. The only problem is that they are misunderstood by the majority of people.
Their effects are meant to enhance an already existing weight loss program, rather than replacing it.
So if you aren’t on a diet or a weight loss program, then you likely won’t get the results you want even if you take weight loss pills.
However, if you are on a good diet and workout program, then these products will be of tremendous help to you.