Dermatitis Types, Symptoms, Causes, And Treatments

Dermatitis is used as a common term for skin inflammation. If you have dermatitis your skin can look swollen, discolored, and dry.
There can be several causes of dermatitis, but you need to know that it is not contagious.
To get a better picture of what is really going on with your skin, you can contact your doctor. Having dermatitis that isn’t getting better, or it is even widespread or your skin feels painful, infected, or uncomfortable needs your doctor’s help.
But if you don’t know what is going on with your skin, what type of dermatitis you have, how serious it is, or what is even the cause of it, I got you covered.
There can be multiple types, symptoms, and causes of dermatitis. Let’s break down everything so it will be easier to understand.
Types Of Dermatitis
There can be a couple of different types of dermatitis. Certain types of dermatitis are more common to appear in children, while others are more common in adults.
You can have dermatitis that will last a long time, but you can also have no symptoms and then flare-ups going in circles.
Take a look at these types of dermatitis and you can get a better grasp of what is going on with your skin:
1. Contact Dermatitis
This type of skin damage can happen when a substance has touched the skin and it is causing an adverse reaction.
Your skin can react to that substance by developing rashes that can sting, burn, and even blister.
Contact dermatitis can usually be an irritant or even an allergic reaction.
In irritant contact, you have an outside substance that directly damages the skin by causing a reaction.
On the other hand, in allergic contact, the outside substance does not directly damage the skin. It will make your immune system react in a way that will show off on the skin.
2. Dyshidrotic Dermatitis
This is a form of dermatitis where the skin can’t protect itself. You can feel itching, dry skin, or even some small blisters.
This skin inflammation generally appears on the hands or feet in people that intensely perspire on their feet and hands.
3. Atopic Dermatitis
A more commonly known name for atopic dermatitis is eczema.
It can run in the family, usually developing in infancy. But there are cases where this type of dermatitis appears also in adulthood.
You cannot find a cure for this. If you have this condition, you will experience symptoms in circles. You will have periods of flare-ups and periods with almost no symptoms.
If you experience any symptoms, they can appear as rough, dry, and itchy patches on the skin.
4. Seborrheic Dermatitis
You can know this type of dermatitis as cradle cap when occurring in infants. It’s common on the scalp, but it can also appear on the face, around the ears, or on the chest.
The symptoms include itching and itchy scalp, skin discoloration, and dandruff. You can worsen the symptoms with excessive stress or lack of sleep.
5. Stasis Dermatitis
This implies skin changes because of poor blood circulation. It causes skin discoloration in the lower extremities and even thickens the skin’s texture.
6. Neurodermatitis
An itchy patch will occur on the skin that can be triggered by something that irritates the skin or even by a high level of stress.
7. Dermatitis Neglecta
It is an accumulation of sweat, sebum, and bacteria in localized areas of the skin. This will form a sticky, adherent crust of dirt.
The Most Common Symptoms
Your symptoms of dermatitis can be anywhere from mild to severe and can look different depending on which part of the body gets affected.
The symptoms gonna vary depending on what type of skin condition you have. Keep in mind that sometimes it can be hard to differentiate between them.
These can be the general symptoms of dermatitis:
- Blisters;
- Rashes;
- Painful skin with stinging and burns;
- Swelling;
- Dry and cracked skin;
- Itching skin, etc.
Skin discoloration is also something that can occur with dermatitis. But this symptom will appear differently in various skin tones.
If you have darker skin, the dermatitis rashes will appear gray. But they can also be purple and even a shade darker than your normal skin tone.
On the other hand, on lighter skin tones, dermatitis will appear red or pink.
What Can Cause This Skin Condition?
The cause of your dermatitis will always vary on the types of dermatitis that you experience on your skin.
Yet there can be environmental causes that can be the reasons for certain flare-ups. These causes are the reason why your skin is having a reaction.
The environment, a substance, or even something that is happening in your body can all be causes of dermatitis.
These causes can all be the starting points of your dermatitis. Here you can include:
- Hormonal changes;
- Stress;
- Any irritating substance;
- Environment.
The causes of contact dermatitis can be an irritant or allergic reaction to certain substances like detergents, poison ivy, nickel, or even cosmetics.
The cause of atopic dermatitis can be a combination of environmental settings, dry skin, and bacteria on the skin. Hormonal changes, stress, and irritants are the most common factors that contribute to this dermatitis.
For seborrheic dermatitis, the exact causes are unknown, but certain conditions can increase its risks:
- Psoriasis;
- Epilepsy;
- HIV;
- Parkinson’s disease;
- Rosacea.
Stasis dermatitis can occur due to poor circulation of blood. And because poor blood flow is most common in your lower legs. There is where this type of dermatitis usually spread.
Options For Medical And At-Home Treatments
The treatments and medications you can receive depend on the type of dermatitis you have, the severity of the symptoms, and the causes.
Certain types of dermatitis will clear up on their own. Here you can include contact dermatitis. It will improve because you will no longer be in contact with the irritants.
But when it does not improve naturally, doctors can recommend:
- Topical creams with steroids;
- Medications to reduce allergies and itching;
- Creams and lotions for dry skin.
Remember, stress can be a major cause of dermatitis. So get more relaxed and choose alternative therapies that can reduce stress such as yoga, meditation, and acupuncture.