Alaska Chum Salmon Crescent Rolls Recipe

Chum salmon is packed with protein, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, and other nutrients your body needs. So this recipe is super-healthy.
Now, before jumping straight to the recipe, I’m gonna explain to you why this type of salmon is the best option for your meals.
So let’s learn a few things about it before turning it into a delicious recipe.
What Is Chum Salmon?
Chum salmon (sometimes referred to as a dog, keta, or silverbrite salmon) is a salmon species with the greatest natural range of any Pacific salmon.
From Alaska to Japan to Russia, they are found all over the world which is part of what makes this one of the most commonly available salmon varieties on the market.
This type of salmon usually has a little poor reputation because it is the least commercially competitive salmon on the market.
This prestige, however, is entirely undeserved and can favor you as a customer, because it means more competitive pricing.
In reality, wild Alaskan chum salmon has a lower oil content than other varieties such as sockeye or Chinook, giving it a milder flavor that many people enjoy.
This makes it a common choice for replacement in almost any recipe that needs salmon as it can cook as well as other, more expensive varieties.
So long as you buy the chum salmon meat from a reliable source, it will be just as strong and tasty as sockeye or other fillets.
If the name “chum salmon” sounds familiar but you’re not sure why. It could be because it is also a common caviar source worldwide.
In Japan, in particular, chum caviar (commonly referred to as ikura) is highly prized for its popping mouthfeel and clean ocean taste.
Salmon Sustainability
Although there have been issues with overfishing in the past, wild chum salmon stocks virtually everywhere have achieved a point of stable sustainability.
While their spawning habits, while using nets, make them vulnerable to overfishing, their ability to produce large eggs helps protect their numbers.
The risk of bycatch is also small, as most of the reported bycatch consists of other salmon types.
The most sustainable options available are the British Columbia and Alaskan chum salmon. Such areas are MSC approved, meaning their ecosystems are plentiful and secure for commercial fishing in those areas.
Much of the supply of chum salmon coming from Russia or Japan is not MSC approved, making it a little more controversial for most customers.
Fortunately, as both frozen and fresh fish is readily accessible, you will still be able to get Alaskan or British Columbia chum salmon near you wherever you are.
Salmon Nutrition
Aside from being tasty, daily intake of chum salmon is a perfect way to add vitamins and protein to your diet.
Their lower oil content is one feature that makes this salmon special from other varieties because this means they are lower in sodium.
These also have a higher protein-to-calorie ratio of one 3.5 oz, relative to other salmon types, having an average protein content of 26 g and just 155 calories.
This makes fresh chum salmon the perfect addition to any diet program, or even a health-conscious meal snack choice.
Like other salmon varieties, a filet of chum salmon is also rich in omega-3 fatty acids, niacin, and vitamin B12, both of which have several health benefits that anyone can enjoy.
You will be adding more omega-3 fatty acids to your diet by integrating more salmon into your weekly dinner routine, which will help shorten your waistline.
To dieters, it’s not just a safe option though. It has been shown that having more omega-3 fatty acids in your diet decreases blood pressure, reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke, and reduces the chance of irregular heart rhythm.
Don’t let that persuade you that chum salmon are for dieters only. Its mild flavor makes it the perfect choice for any meal or snack and its low content of oil makes it easy to use in any fish recipe.
Depending on what your favorite recipe calls for, make it as decadent or as safe as you want.
Chum Salmon Crescent Rolls Recipe
Chum salmon is just as easy to prepare as any other salmon recipe. It handles quickly, cooks fast, and the mild flavor makes it a good choice to play with all kinds of flavors.
A good fillet of chum salmon can be eaten as-is, or turned into something entirely different, like this quick and simple recipe:
- 6 to 7.5 oz cooked Alaska chum salmon;
- 1 pack (3 oz.) melted cream cheese;
- 1/4 cup sliced green onions;
- 2 teaspoons of fresh lemon juice;
- 1/2 teaspoon dill;
- 1 pack (8 oz.) normal or low-fat crescent rolls.
- Make the salmon filling by blending salmon, cream cheese, green onions, lemon juice, and dill in a small bowl.
- Preheat the oven to 350°F.
- Unroll the dough and split it into 4 rectangles (double bits of triangles).
- Push the middle diagonal seam together to create a firm crust on each rectangle.
- Spoon around 1/4 cup of salmon filling on a rectangular shorter leg.
- Fold over (short side) dough so that edges touch. Push a fork to close the bottom.
- Move bundles to the sheet of baking and bake for 15 to 17 minutes or until golden and puffy.
- Serve it hot.
If you want a spicier variation, add to the salmon mixture these ingredients:
- 1/4 cup shredded Parmesan cheese;
- And 1/2 teaspoon Cajun, Mexican, or seasoning pepper mix.
This way you’ll get a stronger and spicier taste.
The chum salmon recipe is simple enough for a casual lunch, but can also be baked for formal events. Hopefully, your whole family will enjoy this delicious salmon recipe.