The Main Causes Of Poor Sleep Quality

Are you looking to improve your sleep quality? You need to start from the roots and discover the causes of poor sleep quality. Here’s how!
There are many studies that have been done documenting the fact that getting enough sleep at night is important. Lack of sleep can negatively impact a person’s physical and mental health.
The reasons vary as to why some people are not able to get enough sleep, but a solution can usually be found to remedy the situation.
5 Causes Of Poor Sleep Quality
Here are the main causes of poor sleep quality and some simple ways to deal with it:
1. Lifestyle
A simple reason someone may not be getting enough sleep is that they do not have a good sleep schedule.
Staying up too late and getting up early automatically puts people at a disadvantage all day long. Go to bed and wake up at roughly the same time every day to get the body used to a routine.
Things like smoking cigarettes, drinking alcohol, and using drugs can also impact a person’s ability to fall and stay asleep.
If cutting back and sticking to a routine does not seem to help, then going through sleep disorder tests Columbus might be able to determine the cause.
2. Sleep Apnea
A potentially life-threatening disorder, sleep apnea is characterized by blocked breathing while asleep.
It is often accompanied by snoring, which can indicate that the airways are being partially or completely blocked.
People with sleep apnea can have dropped oxygen levels in the bloodstream during the night.
Sufferers can awaken many times during the night without realizing that the cause is because they are not breathing properly.
3. Restless Leg Syndrome
Mostly a problem among middle-aged and older adults, restless leg syndrome is accompanied by discomfort in feet and legs during the night and evening.
To get relief, the person will move their legs before and during sleep. This can decrease the ability to fall asleep and may cause frequent, brief periods of wakefulness during the night.
The root cause can vary, with nerve disorders, kidney failure, genetics, or certain medications all able to cause symptoms.
4. Insomnia
Frequent trouble falling or staying asleep that impacts the ability to stay awake and function properly during the day are the symptoms of insomnia.
There are many different causes, such as poor sleep habits, stress, certain medications, or depression.
Short-term insomnia may be caused by jet lag, an illness, or drinking too much caffeine during the day.
Drug and alcohol use can contribute to insomnia as well because they interfere with the natural sleep cycle.
5. Nightmares
Most people have experienced a nightmare at some point in their life. They are disturbing dreams that occur during the REM cycle. Sometimes they can be caused by a stressful event.
Anxiety during the day can sometimes transition into dreams as the brain attempts to work through the issue. They can also happen without any known cause at all.
Not getting enough sleep can affect a person’s mood during the day. Irritability may accompany fatigue, resulting in unpleasant interactions. Trouble concentrating and paying attention can impact work performance.
Try to have a good sleep schedule that involves a relaxing nighttime routine and talk to a doctor if trouble sleeping is interfering with daily activities.