Booty Shaper Workout You Can Easily Do In The Gym

Today I prepared for you 9 booty shaper exercises to do in the gym. All of these exercises use gym equipment, so if you have a gym membership, this workout is definitely for you.
Our fitness model Bianca Nicole is performing this booty shaper workout in the video at the end of this article. So feel free to watch it and give it a try at your gym.
Booty Shaper Exercises
As you already know, you must start your workout session with about 5 minutes of light cardio as warm up. At the end of the booty shaper workout try to do some stretches for 5 minutes to cool down. Do 2-3 sets per day, at least 3 times per week. Have fun!
Let’s begin with the first booty shaper exercise: kneeling glute cable kickback.
1. Kneeling Glute Cable Kickback
- Get down on the floor, on all fours and place your palms underneath your shoulders.
- Attach the cable to your right ankle cuff.
- Flex your foot, and keeping your back flat, lift your right knee up behind your hip until your thigh is parallel to the floor.
- Slowly lower your knee almost all the way down to the floor, and then repeat.
- Perform at least 15 reps on the right leg, and then attach the cable to the left ankle cuff and do again at least 15 reps.
2. Lying Leg Curls
- Lie down the lying leg curl machine with your face towards the machine.
- Fix your feet under the footpad resting the pad over your ankles.
- If there are handles to the machine, you may hold them with your hands. Else, gripping the front of the machine bench you are lying on, solves the same purpose.
- Stay there calm while lying on the bench. Do not arch your spine.
- Now curl your legs upwards by bending your knees such that your hamstrings are fully contracted.
- Hold there in this position for a count of one.
- Steadily get back to the starting or initial position.
- Repeat the above steps for at least 20 times.
3. Kickbacks With Lying Leg Curl Machine
- Get down on the floor, on all fours and place your palms underneath your shoulders.
- Put your right foot up under the pad, keeping most of the weight in your heel.
- Squeeze your glute muscles and kick it up to the top.
- Come all the way back down but don’t let the weight touch.
- Repeat for 15 times with your right leg and then 15 times with your left leg.
4. Squat To Row
- Grab the handle(s) and back away until you feel the resistance in the band.
- Keep your feet shoulder width apart.
- Lower into a squat until your thighs are parallel to the ground.
- Stand and row the band by pulling your shoulder blades together.
- Each time you lower really focus on pressing through your heels and pulling your shoulder blades back to row the bands.
- Do at least 15 reps.
5. Squat To Row Overhead
- Grab the handle(s) and back away until you feel the resistance in the band.
- Keep your palms facing to the ceiling.
- Keep your feet shoulder width apart.
- Lower into a squat until your thighs are parallel to the ground.
- Stand and row the band by bending your elbows, without moving them (only your forearms are moving).
- Each time you lower really focus on pressing through your heels and pulling your shoulder blades back to row the bands.
- Do at least 15 reps.
6. Barbell Squat
- Keep your feet a little bit wider than shoulder-width apart.
- Grab the barbell with the back of your shoulders and your hands.
- Lower into a squat while maintaining a straight posture. Inhale.
- Exhale while returning to the standing position.
- Repeat for at least 15 times.
7. Cable Kickbacks
- Attach the right ankle cuff to the cable.
- Stand up facing the weight stack and hold on to something to support yourself.
- Kick the tethered leg straight back and squeeze your glutes.
- Do not arch your back while performing this booty shaper exercise.
- Do 15 reps and switch legs for other 15.
8. Barbell Split Squat
- Keep your feet a little bit wider than shoulder-width apart.
- Grab the barbell with the back of your shoulders and your hands.
- From this position you need to split your feet: one foot forward, one foot back.
- Lower down and your back knee should be slightly behind your hip.
- Drive the front foot through the floor to push up.
- Repeat for 15 times on each leg.
9. Dumbbell Split Squat
- Grab the dumbbells and hold them at your sides.
- Keep your feet shoulder width apart.
- From this position you need to split your feet: one foot forward, one foot back.
- Lower down until your front thigh is parallel to the ground.
- Your back knee should be slightly behind your hip.
- Drive the front foot through the floor to push up.
- Repeat for 15 times on each leg.
If you enjoyed this booty shaper workout please share it with your friends and family. Stay fit!