This Bikini Bottom Workout Will Blast Your Lower Body

This bikini bottom workout is designed to shape up and tighten all the body parts around your bikini area: lower abs, hips, buttocks, and thighs.
You can do the bikini bottom circuit anywhere because it doesn’t require any equipment and the moves are pretty simple.
Bikini Bottom Workout
Like any other workout, you should start with a warm-up. Think 5 minutes of running in place, or 2-3 minutes of squats and jumping jacks.
There are 7 exercises in this bikini bottom workout. You should perform the exercises without any rest in between them.
At the end of the first set, take a deep breath and rest for no more than one minute. Then start again and repeat until you totalize 3 sets.
Try to perform the bikini bottom workout 3-4 times per week for at least 6 weeks to see real results.
When you’re not doing this workout, opt for a cardio session like jogging or running in your nearby park.
Also, the diet is very important for any fitness goal. So no matter what workout you’re following, if your diet is not healthy enough, your progress might significantly suffer.
Here are the 7 exercises that best target your bikini bottom:
1. Lying Leg Raises (15 reps)
Lying on your back with hands under your hips, lift your legs so that the bottom of your feet face the ceiling. Lower your legs until they are about 6 inches off of the floor. Repeat for 15 times.
2. Standing Side Leg Lifts (15 reps on each side)
Stand in an upright position with feet together. Raise your left leg in an outward motion as far as possible and hold for 5 seconds. Slowly return to the starting position. Do 15 reps, then change sides and do 15 more.
3. Side Crunches (15 reps on each side)
Lie face with your knees together bent at 90 degrees. Without moving your upper body, lower your knees to the right so that they’re touching the floor. Place your fingers behind your ears.
Raise your shoulders toward your hips. Pause for one second, then take two seconds to lower your upper body back to the starting position. Do 15 reps, then switch sides and repeat the process for another 15 reps.
4. Standing Kickbacks (15 reps on each side)
Stand in an upright position with feet together. Step your left foot behind the right one and bend both knees to lower into a lunge.
Return to the starting position and raise your right leg behind you as high as you can. Do 15 reps, then switch sides and perform 15 more.
5. Superman Exercise (15 reps)
Lie facedown on your stomach with arms fully extended over your head and legs straight back. Keep your neck in a neutral position by looking straight down.
Contract your glutes to lift your arms and legs off the floor toward the ceiling. Stop when you feel a flex in your lower back. Hold for 2 seconds and return to the starting position. Repeat for 15 times.
6. Donkey Kicks (15 reps on each side)
Get down on all fours with elbows shoulder width apart and knees hips width apart. Raise the right heel up toward the ceiling until the foot is parallel to the floor. Lower the leg back to the starting position.
Repeat 15 times, then switch legs for 15 more.
7. Side Kick Squats (15 reps)
Stand in an upright position with feet shoulder width apart. Squat down until your thighs are parallel to the ground. Get back up to the starting position.
Raise your left leg in an outward motion as far as possible and hold for 5 seconds. Slowly return to the starting position. Do another squat, then raise your right leg. This is one repetition. Do 14 more.
If you put into practice the above 7 exercises at least 3 times a week, you’ll be more than prepared to unveil your bikini bottom at the beach this summer season. So get your workout done!