50 Great Reasons To Exercise

For some people regular exercises is easy as breathing, they take to it like a fish to water. But for a lot of people is very difficult to get into a regular routine. Instead of giving yourself reasons why you can’t, it’s time to start giving yourself reasons why you can.
To help you on your journey, here are 50 reasons to exercise. These are great motivating tools to help get you started and to help pull you out of the pit when you’re dealing with lack of motivation. But before we get started, here’s 4 rules that you should remember:
1. Never go three days without exercise.
2. Workout at least 3 days a week.
3. Never miss a Monday workout.
4. Never give up.
50 Reasons To Exercise
1. Lifts your mood.
2. Improves learning abilities.
3. Builds self-esteem.
4. Keeps your brain fit.
5. Keeps your body fit and able.
6. Boosts mental health.
7. Boosts your immune system.
8. Reduces stress.
9. Makes you feel happier.
10. Has anti-ageing effects.
11. Improves skin tone and colour.
12. Improves sleeping patterns.
13. Helps prevent strokes.
14. Improves joint function.
15. Improves muscle strength.
16. Alleviates anxiety.
17. Sharpens memory.
18. Helps to control addictions.
19. Boosts productivity.
20. Boosts creative thinking.
21. Improves body image.
22. Gives you confidence.
23. Helps you keep focused in life.
24. Improves eating habits.
25. Increases longevity.
26. Strengthens your bones.
27. Strengthens your heart.
28. Improves posture.
29. Prevents colds.
30. Improves appetite.
31. Improves cholesterol levels.
32. Lowers risk of (certain) cancers.
33. Lowers high blood pressure.
34. Lowers risk of diabetes.
35. Fights dementia.
36. Eases back pain.
37. Decreases osteoporosis risk.
38. Reduces feelings of depression.
39. Prevents muscle loss.
40. Increases energy and endurance.
41. Increases sports performance.
42. Increases pain resistance.
43. Improves balance and coordination.
44. Improves oxygen supply to cells.
45. Improves concentration.
46. Helps with self-control.
47. Lessens fatigue.
48. Increases sex drive & satisfaction.
49. Makes life more exciting.
50. Improves quality of life.
Fitness isn’t about becoming better than somebody else, it’s about being better than you used to be. So find your motivation within these 50 reasons to exercise and start improving your lifestyle. Stay fit!