Where Do You Store The Fat? 4 Main Body Types And How To Fix Them

Depending on what’s going on with the hormones inside your body, there’s going to be 4 main body types with different shapes in your buttocks and in your belly.
Hormones are the chemical messages that tell the body where to store the fat and that’s why they control what body type you are.
4 Main Body Types
So we’re gonna go through all of 4 body types:
1. Thyroid Body Type
The thyroid body type holds weight all over, not just around your midsection. The thyroid gland controls your metabolism and the speed at which your body burns the fat. So if the thyroid is functioning slow, your weight loss process is also slowed down.
The main issues of this body type include:
- hair thinning;
- loss of outer eyebrows;
- vertical ridges on the nails;
- carbohydrate cravings like breads, pasta and cakes;
- cold feet;
- dry skin;
- poor absorption of vitamins.
If you’re this body type, then you’re at risk for swelling of the neck, memory problems and heart disease.
But don’t worry, this is what you should eat to fix it:
- high protein foods (3-6 oz of protein per meal);
- high fat foods (not deep fried foods), preferable organic dairy like yogurt or cheese;
- cruciferous foods;
- NO soy.
2. Adrenal Body Type
The main issues of this body type are:
- cravings to salt;
- difficulty sleeping;
- low tolerance to stress;
- swelling ankles;
- inflammation;
- weak knees;
- sinus;
- excessive thinking;
- difficulty relaxing;
- out of breath climbing stairs.
If you’re this body type, then you’re at risk for high blood pressure, Alzheimer’s, osteoporosis, allergies and acid reflux.
It’s very difficult to burn the fat off because it’s not coming from not doing sit-ups, it’s coming from a gland problem. So sit-ups will not help, but you can do reverse sit-ups and stretch your back to tighten up the skin after you lose most of the weight.
But don’t worry, this is what you should eat to fix it:
- high protein foods (3-6 oz of protein per meal);
- high fat foods (not deep fried foods) like nuts, avocados, cheese, organic yogurt for breakfast;
- 7 cups of vegetables per day, but NO cruciferous foods like broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, with a single exception: kale.
3. Liver Body Type
The next body type has more of a protruding belly, so the person has a regular body but the stomach looks like it’s pregnant.
The main issues of this body type include:
- right shoulder pain;
- headaches;
- grouchy in the morning;
- skin itching;
- arthritis;
- bloating;
- burping;
- the need for sweets after dinner.
If you’re this body type, then you’re at risk for constipation, high blood pressure, fluid in the belly, high cholesterol and a toxic body (due to the liver being congested).
But don’t worry, this is what you should eat to fix it:
- low protein foods (max 3 oz of protein per meal);
- low fat foods;
- cruciferous foods.
4. Ovary Body Type
This type holds most of the fat in the lower part of the body and most people call it cellulite or saddle bags. The ovary gland can produce excessive estrogen, which can direct the fat in the hips, thighs and buttocks.
The main issues of this body type include:
- PMS, excessive bleeding, cramping;
- headaches;
- acne;
- facial hair;
- male pattern baldness;
- hot flashes.
If you’re this body type, then you’re at risk for stroke, breast cancer, fibroids, infertility, endometriosis, PCOD and gallstones.
But don’t worry, this is what you should eat to fix it:
- low protein foods (max 3 oz of protein per meal);
- low fat foods;
- NO cruciferous foods.
I guess im the last one but i dont have acne or pms or headaches