5 Excellent Tips For Working Out In Your 60s

Everything is harder when you’re old. So it’s working out in your 60s. So follow these tips to get you started working out easily.
Older age brings with it a notion of “taking it easy”. It is true that not many of you will be able to run a 4-minute mile or lift heavy weights as you used to.
However, sacrificing a few minutes from your day to exercise can help curb the decline of your physical fitness.
Not only does working out in your 60s help you maintain a more functional lifestyle, but it will also help you overcome common health conditions associated with old age.
How To Start Working Out In Your 60s
Whether you are someone pushing 60 or have already passed the milestone, make use of the tips and tricks provided below to maintain a healthier lifestyle.
1. Consult With Your Doctor
No matter your age, it is always better to start a regular exercise routine after a consultation with your doctor; especially if you are suffering from a health condition.
For example, if you are suffering from some form of heart condition then your exercise routine must avoid activities such as lifting weights.
Your doctor will be able to assess your current level of physical fitness and will provide instructions on what to do and what not to do.
Now you’ve got your doctors advice, it’s time to get started…
2. Take Baby Steps
This does not mean that you should slack off while exercising. But, if you are new to the idea of keeping yourself fit, then start slow and only gradually move up to more strenuous routines.
If you are using an elliptical trainer or a similar machine to workout then start with a warm-up routine before jumping on the horse.
You do not need to match your younger counterparts with your exercise, just do enough to keep yourself fit.
If you are struggling to find the motivation to maintain a daily routine, then keep a goal in mind and track your journey towards reaching that goal.
3. The Perfect Routine
Ideally, your exercise routine should be a proper mixture of aerobic activities, strength exercises, and a healthy diet.
Investing around 30 minutes for at least 4 days a week should be a good base to work from.
If you are planning to go to the gym and take up strength training, then make sure you are only taking up heavyweights with time.
Alternatively, if you find the idea of going to the gym boring, then find activities that you enjoy doing instead. Going for a daily walk or even swimming can help you to stay fit without being amongst sweaty 20-30-year-olds.
4. Eat Healthily
Working out regularly is not a free pass for you to chow down on fast food. A regular exercise routine works well only with a proper eating habit, especially for people of your age.
If you aren’t very active then chances are you’ll have a lower calorie requirement. This is usually between 1600-2000 calories per day.
Opt for a nutrient-rich diet that will help you tackle challenges such as inflammation, poor digestion, and poor metabolism.
5. Drink Your Nutrients
If you struggle to eat certain foods, making your diet unbalanced, then some nutrition drinks for seniors can be recommended.
These drinks tend to include vitamins, protein, fiber and many more ingredients your body needs!
The best thing about these is the fact they are drinks and you don’t need to cook anything, hassle-free and easy!
This guide was meant to help you get a basic idea of the benefits that come with working out in your 60s.
“Health is wealth” as they say, time can have a significant impact on your physical well-being.
If you are not prepared to invest some amount of time daily to work out, then you are at a greater risk of succumbing to old age conditions.