Getting Your Wisdom Teeth Removed? Here’s What To Expect

Having to get your wisdom teeth removed can be a scary thought. Help ease the thoughts with this helpful guide to know what you can expect when getting this done.
Are you planning on having your wisdom teeth removed? If so, you’re in good company. It is a routine procedure in the United States, as well as in other countries.
If you’ve never had a dental procedure previously, the prospect of having your wisdom teeth taken out can be daunting. Some might say it’s a little bit scary.
In this article, we’ll discuss what to expect during your procedure and understand why it’s nothing to be afraid of.
Read on for more information on having your wisdom teeth removed.
Does Everyone Need Their Wisdom Teeth Removed?
Dentists and oral surgeons often remove wisdom teeth as a preventative measure during late adolescence. However, it is often up to you if you do want your wisdom teeth removed.
Just because they appear in an X-ray does not necessarily mean they need to be pulled out.
If the teeth are healthy and properly positioned and have grown in completely, it is not necessary to remove them.
Some people may also choose never to have wisdom teeth that have never erupted removed. But, your dentist may recommend removal if it is likely they will cause pain or an infection in your mouth.
What To Expect If You Have An Underlying Health Condition?
If you have an underlying health condition that will impact having dental anesthesia, or anesthesia in general, your oral surgeon will need to know about it.
They may offer you alternatives to surgery, or move to watch the teeth for signs of infection or impaction a bit longer before deciding to remove them.
Some people with underlying health conditions may have their wisdom teeth removed while they are awake.
However, the majority of the time, if this is the case, you will have a numbing agent so that you cannot feel it.
It is of paramount importance that you disclose all health issues with your dentist and oral surgeon before having this procedure done. Otherwise, you may be putting yourself at risk.
How Long Does The Procedure Take?
Unless you have an unusual circumstance in which your teeth need to be separated to remove them fully, or the oral surgeon needs to cut into the bone, the procedure will not take too long.
For most people, the procedure itself takes 45 minutes or so. Again, depending on the circumstance of the patient, the procedure may be longer or shorter.
While the actual procedure itself takes 45 minutes, you will spend time preparing for it and recovering. You can learn about wisdom teeth removal what to expect before and after by speaking with your dentist or oral surgeon.
Will I Feel Anything During The Procedure?
Unless you have a health problem where anesthesia does not work properly on you, you won’t feel anything during the procedure. Your oral surgeon will make sure that you’re comfortable and that you’re not in any pain during the surgery itself.
If you’re awake during the procedure, your jaw may get sore from keeping it open for so long. You may also feel tugging and pulling as the wisdom teeth are removed, but this shouldn’t be uncomfortable.
However, you should not be able to feel the oral surgeon removing the teeth. It should be painless.
How Will I Be Sedated?
There are a few ways in which an oral surgeon can sedate you for wisdom teeth removal.
1. Local Anesthetic
The first way is to use a local anesthetic. This is similar to what a dentist might use if you’re having a cavity filled. It is usually injected straight into the gum next to the site the dentist will be working on.
This type of sedation is usually done if your case is uncomplicated, or you cannot have a heavier type of sedation.
You will have the numbing agent injected into your gum, and the oral surgeon or assistant can top it up if you begin to feel anything.
2. Monitored Anesthesia Care (MAC) Or Intravenous (IV)
Another method of sedation is through an IV. This is typically used in tandem with a numbing agent that will be injected into your gum.
You will feel drowsy after this is administered, and some people end up falling asleep during the procedure. Other people don’t fall asleep completely but do not remember the procedure later.
3. General Anesthesia
The third method of sedation will be if your case is more complex, or you specifically need general anesthesia. This is the type of anesthesia that is used when you have surgery at the hospital.
You may have it administered via a vein in your arm or hand, or through a special mask that allows you to inhale gas that will put you to sleep.
If your oral surgeon chooses to have you sedated through general anesthesia, you will sleep through the procedure. You will wake up after it is over, and it may take you several days to feel “normal” again.
After The Procedure
After you get your wisdom teeth removed, your dentist or oral surgeon will use stitches to hold your gums together. Typically, the stitches will dissolve on their own without further intervention.
You’ll be instructed to take it easy and not eat anything that could disrupt the site’s healing. You’ll also likely take a couple of days off of work or school.
Your oral surgeon or dentist may also prescribe pain killers to ensure that you’re in a minimal amount of pain as you recover.
Rest assured that this is a routine procedure, and oral surgeons perform it at least several times a week. It is unlikely that anything will go wrong, but your oral surgeon will be able to fill you in further on the risks and benefits.
Hopefully, this information will prepare you for when you’ll have your wisdom teeth removed. But don’t rely solely on this article and ask your dentist for advice if needed.