How To Perform Burpees Properly For Best ResultsThe number one exercise you need to be incorporating into your training are burpees. Here is why and how to perform them correctly. Mark Norey, CPT 10 years ago
5-Minute No Rest Workout For Crazy, Flat AbsIf you have only 5 minutes to work out, this ab routine will get your flat abs you want. Just make sure you perform it at least 3 times per day. Mark Norey, CPT 10 years ago
Pulse Workout For Abs And ObliquesThis type of pulse workout consists of 5 repetitions followed by 5 pulses and we're gonna do that 5 times through every single exercise. Mark Norey, CPT 10 years ago
4 Exercises In 6 Minutes For Sexy ShouldersThis workout is great if you want to build that arm strength so that you can carry like 15 grocery bags and also having some sexy shoulders. Mark Norey, CPT 10 years ago
This Yoga Workout Will Give You Toned Abs Like Nina DobrevNina Dobrev's favorite thing to do is yoga. So let's follow her routine, a 15-minute yoga workout, to tone and tighten our mid-section. Mark Norey, CPT 10 years ago
Legs and Butt Shaper Workout For EveryoneWe are doing a legs and butt shaper workout. You don't need anything at home, but yourself. I hope you're ready to get those glutes and legs looking good. Mark Norey, CPT 10 years ago
Hard Core Workout Without EquipmentToday we're gonna work on core straightening with this hard core workout. Core is not just your abs, but transverse abs, obliques and lower back too. Mark Norey, CPT 10 years ago
Fat Burning Workout For Toned Thighs And Sculpted AbsFor this fat burning workout you don't need equipment at all. This workout is a timed HIIT. It burns fat and tones your tighs and abs too. Mark Norey, CPT 10 years ago
15 Minute Total Abs Workout With Christine CurryToday we're gonna be doing a 15 minute total abs workout. These exercises will tone your ab muscles but there will be a lot of core work too. Mark Norey, CPT 10 years ago
Bubble Butt Exercises Prepared By Vicky JustizVicky Justiz prepared a great butt and legs workout for you today. All you're gonna need for these 6 bubble butt exercises is a timer. Mark Norey, CPT 10 years ago
Isometric Exercises Which Will Kill Your RoutineSometimes it is a good idea to try and switch things up a bit, so here are our top 4 isometric exercises, which will kill your routine and tone your body! Mark Norey, CPT 10 years ago
Things You Need To Know Before Starting A Chest WorkoutWeighty mass and short delegates are most helpful when your aim is to build strength. I would recommend carrying out three dispersed chest workouts. Mark Norey, CPT 11 years ago