5 Techniques And Treatments For Chronic Pain At Home

Some popular ways to treat chronic pain at home include guided imagery, VR therapy, meditation, acupuncture, music therapy, and exercise. Let’s take a closer look at these pain-relieving techniques.
Whether it is in your head, knees, back, or joints, everyone experiences occasional pain. It is your body’s way of alerting you of possible injury.
While in some cases it becomes less severe as the injury heals, in others pain can linger for weeks or even months. This causes needless suffering and interferes with your daily life.
Generally, chronic pain is one of the most common conditions in people of all ages. It can be caused by a number of factors, including injuries, illnesses, and prolonged physical, emotional or social stress.
The pain may feel sharp or dull, causing a burning or aching sensation in the affected areas.
The good news is chronic pain can be managed as there are many effective techniques you can try to reduce it and boost mobility.
How To Treat Your Chronic Pain At Home
From undergoing virtual reality therapy to experimenting with music therapy, here are five treatment methods you can rely on to treat chronic pain at home:
1. Virtual Reality Therapy
The latest advancements in technology have made it possible for people to use virtual reality to treat chronic pain from the comfort of their homes.
With the help of a VR headset, patients are placed in an immersive 3D world. This captures their mind’s attention and blocks pain signals from reaching the brain.
The great thing about using virtual reality therapy for chronic conditions is that the treatment programs feel less like therapy and more like playing games.
You will definitely get excited about such interactive therapy instead of avoiding it at all costs.
2. Exercises
Individuals suffering from chronic pain can greatly benefit from doing exercises. Staying physically active enables you to reduce the pain symptoms by:
- Building muscle strength and flexibility;
- Improving mobility;
- And reducing fatigue, pain sensitivity, and inflammation.
Depending on the severity of your chronic pain and the condition you are treating, you can try a combination of various physical activities, including cardio, stretching, and strength exercises to alleviate pain.
For example, stretching is excellent for people suffering from chronic pain in their low back or neck as the activity can relieve tension and stiffness.
3. Mind And Body Techniques
Mind and body techniques such as guided imagery, meditation, and breathing exercises can also help alleviate chronic pain symptoms.
They are designed to help you restore a sense of control over your body and stimulate the relaxation effect while aiding in the management of anxiety.
For example, guided imagery involves using your imagination and your five senses to create images that reduce pain. Your mind will travel to pleasant places that allow you to experience sensations beyond your pain.
This technique is most commonly used for treating musculoskeletal pain, pain from arthritis, and other rheumatic diseases.
4. Natural Remedies
Natural remedies such as essential oils and herbs can also alleviate chronic pain symptoms. They have anti-inflammatory properties which can reduce inflammation caused by pain, reducing the aches in affected areas.
Some commonly used oils and herbs include turmeric, fish oil, rosemary, lavender, cloves, peppermint, and ginger.
Besides these, there are also alternative therapies such as acupuncture and heat and cold therapy which can also relieve pain.
For example, acupuncture involves inserting very thin needles into different pressure points in the body. This stimulates sensory nerves in the skin and muscles which will then help reduce pain.
5. Music Therapy
Music therapy is a type of distraction technique that can also be used to treat chronic pain at home.
It has been scientifically proven that music activates the areas of the brain which regulate and inhibit pain, helping the brain control the aches within the body and reduce them.
When it comes to which type of music offers greater relief, classical music seems to be the best option for this.
However, musical taste is subjective. So you should definitely look for the type of music which makes you feel good and helps you distract your mind from the pain.
Final Thoughts
There is no question that chronic pain can be very discomforting and affects different areas of your life.
Most people reach out for medications to manage their pain. But there are other effective techniques and methods you can try to alleviate pain in your affected areas.
From trying virtual therapy to experimenting with various natural remedies, you have plenty of options to choose from to reduce and treat chronic pain at home.
For more information on these treatments, refer to our article and learn how to cope with chronic pain while at home.