Top 10 TRX Exercises To Torch Belly Fat On Autopilot

TRX exercises are workouts in suspension where your legs or hands are held in the TRX equipment while the opposite body part is supported on the floor.
With TRX (Total Resistance eXercise) your entire body will be engaged and you’ll gain more strength, flexibility, and mobility overall.
Most of the TRX exercises have a huge impact on your abdominal muscles, which are engaged whenever your legs or arm are suspended.
Below are the 10 most effective TRX exercises. Feel free to add some of them to your current workout, or do all of them as a full-body workout.
Best TRX Exercises For Weight Loss
Here are the top 10 TRX exercises you can do to maximize your weight loss process:
1. TRX Curtsy Lunges (20 reps/leg)
Standing straight, grab the TRX and fully stretch your arms.
Get into a lunge position with the left knee touching the floor. The right leg should make a 90-degree angle.
Use the TRX to lift your body back up to the standing position.
Then get into a lunge position with the right knee on the floor.
Keep alternating legs until you’ve done 20 repetitions with each leg.
2. TRX Squat And Row (20 reps)
Stand straight and grab the TRX handles. Lay on your back until your arms are fully stretched and your body forms a 30-degree angle with the wall in front of you.
Perform a squat supporting your body weight on the arms.
Return to the standing position and make force forward doing a flexion with the arms.
Do at least 20 repetitions.
3. TRX Suspended Lunges (10 reps/leg)
Put your left foot in the TRX handle and do a lunge maintaining the balance with your arms.
Remember that the right leg should form a 90-degree angle when lowering.
Get back to the standing position and repeat for a total of 10 times.
Then switch legs and do 10 more reps.
4. TRX Glute Bridge (20 reps)
Lay down on the floor, on your back, with your feet in the TRX handles. Keep your knees slightly bent.
Lift your hips upwards until your lower back and thighs form a straight line.
Lower your hips down and repeat for a total of 20 repetitions.
5. TRX Mountain Climbers (20 reps/leg)
Get down on your knees and place your feet in the TRX handles. Keep your body straight during the entire exercise.
Flex one leg and bring the knee toward your chest. Then bring the other knee toward your chest and switch again as if you were climbing stairs continuously.
Do 20 repetitions with each leg.
6. TRX Single Leg Squats (10 reps/leg)
Grab the TRX handles and slightly lay back until your body forms a 30-degree angle with the wall in front of you.
Raise one leg in front of you and keep it straight during the entire exercise. Your arms should also be fully stretched.
Do a squat until the stretched leg is parallel with the floor.
Get back to the standing position and repeat for a total of 10 times.
Switch legs and do 10 more repetitions.
7. TRX Crunch And Bicep Curls (20 reps)
Grab the TRX handles and lie down on the floor, on your back. Keep your legs bent and arms fully stretched.
Now do a crunch, bringing your chest toward the TRX handles. At the same time, curl your biceps.
Lay back on the floor stretching out your arms.
Repeat for a total of 20 times.
8. TRX Suspended Pike (10 reps)
Put your feet in the TRX handles and support your body with your hands. You should form a TRX plank position.
Bring your legs toward your shoulders, making an inverted V-shape with your upper body. Your arms should be in a straight line with your spine.
Slowly get back to the plank position and repeat. Do a total of 10 repetitions.
9. TRX Suspended Plank With Abduction (20 reps)
Get into the TRX plank position with feet in TRX handles, arms fully stretched, back straight, and legs hip-width apart.
Open and close the legs while keeping your back straight during the entire exercise.
Do 20 repetitions.
10. TRX Chest Press (10 reps)
Stand straight with your back toward the TRX machine. Grab the TRX handles and lean forward until your body forms a 30-degree angle with the TRX machine. Keep your arms fully stretched.
From this position, lower your body as you’d do a standing push-up. Your body and the TRX machine should form a 60-degree angle.
Using your arms only, push into the TRX handles to return to the starting position.
Do at least 10 repetitions.
Congratulations! You’ve just finished your first set of the best TRX exercises. Now for best results, it is recommended to perform at least 3 sets. Do this TRX workout 3-4 times per week, along with 2-3 sessions of cardio and low-intensity exercises.
Top 10 TRX Exercises Infographic
To help you easily visualize these TRX exercises, here’s a lovely infographic you can share with your friends. Every share, pin, or tweet is much appreciated! 🙂