Good Health For Less – Tips For Reducing Healthcare Costs

Tired of paying hand over fist for healthcare expenses? You don’t have to! Read on for some great strategies for reducing healthcare costs.
You owe it to yourself and your loved ones to live as healthy of a lifestyle as possible.
There are several ways that you can go about doing that such as maintaining a proper diet, working out, and staying active.
Then there is also the aspect of your healthcare, which is more costly than any other method of staying healthy.
Even though healthcare expenses are necessary, you should still try to cut down on them as much as possible.
Quick Fixes For Reducing Healthcare Costs
Here are several tactics for reducing healthcare costs that promote a healthy lifestyle and less need for forking over unnecessary fees:
1. Online Pharmacy
You know the routine: you get a prescription from your doctor, then go to the nearest Walgreens or CVS to get the prescription filled. Then you’re left paying the significant costs associated with using that method.
Fortunately, with the advance of technology and eCommerce, you now have what is known as “online pharmacies” available to you.
Online pharmacies allow you to order your prescriptions online and have them mailed to you within a few days.
While the costs do depend on your plan, more often than not this method will be cheaper than going through another option such as the convenience store route.
Find an online pharmacy and get yourself all the prescription drugs that you and your loved ones need at a friendlier price.
2. Health Insurance
You should never invest in health insurance just for the sake of having health insurance in your name. It should be strategic.
In that same way, you shouldn’t just accept the health insurance your employer offers simply because it’s more convenient. You could be spending way more than you need to be.
Also, don’t opt for the health insurance that has the lowest premium rates for you to pay. Typically, a low premium also means a low amount of coverage.
In other words: at your family’s biggest time of need, your health insurance will only cover a fraction of the thousands of dollars in medical expenses.
Be smart about the health insurance that you select since there are different health care plans to choose from. Go out and find as many quotes as you possibly can, then select the one that offers the best coverage at a friendly premium.
3. Reconsider The Vitamins You Take
All you health nuts out there that are reading this probably have an entire shelf in your kitchen dedicated to the different daily vitamins that you take.
These supplements such as multivitamins, calcium, iron, and vitamin D all work wonders. But the truth is… if you have a healthy, balanced diet then you probably don’t need to be taking them.
Those vitamin supplements are intended for those out there that, without the supplement, would have a deficit of those particular vitamins.
If you don’t fall in that category, then you’re probably spending at least $40 or $50 per month that you don’t need to be.
Be sure to note that if your doctor is instructing you to take it, then you should continue to do so. However, if you’re doing it just for peace of mind, then you might be wasting your money.
4. Avoid The Brand Name
One of the most important factors in saving healthcare expenses is simply becoming a more knowledgeable patient. You can save yourself a fortune by knowing more than the average consumer.
For example, did you know that brand-name prescription drugs cost a lot more than their generic counterparts?
Some prescription drugs may not have alternatives and, if so, then they’re your only option.
Be sure to ask your doctor if there are any generic alternatives to the name-brand drugs they have been prescribing you. By electing for the generic version, you’re saving on the copays for each prescription.
Consider this step for the medication your buy on the shelves as well. Instead of buying brand-name Tylenol, buy the generic acetaminophen bottle that costs less.
5. Buy The Medication In Bulk
Everyone has that family member or two whose answer to every ache and pain is “more Tylenol” or “more Ibuprofen”. If so, then there’s a constant need for it in the house and you find yourself replenishing it every week or two.
You can save yourself a ton of cash by purchasing them in bulk. That way, you’re getting a higher amount of it for a lower price and saving yourself trips to the store as well.
You can also use this step for your prescription medication as well. Some prescriptions can be offered in a 90-day supply.
Obviously, you’ll want to make sure that you actually need that amount before purchasing it. Ask your doctor if purchasing that specific prescription would make sense for the amount of time they intend for you to take it.
6. Find Cheaper Alternatives In Your Coverage
Few people are fully aware of all the benefits they have at their disposal with their health insurance.
However, knowing all of the avenues you can take to get treated will help you save on money.
For example, why spend a higher copay for an in-office doctor check-up on your sore throat when you could use the virtual doctor feature that’s included in your coverage? Use the cheaper alternatives whenever you can!
Now that you’ve seen all the different tricks to reducing healthcare costs, it’s time to optimize them!
You’ll save a ton more cash on your healthcare expenses just by prioritizing it and being more self-aware of how much is being spent. Be sure to read our other articles that pertain to both this topic and other topics that are just like it!