6 Most Effective Thigh Toning Exercises To Do At Home

3. Stair Steps
All you need to perform this killer leg workout is a stair, cinder block or phone book. This simple move will give you a great total leg workout.
- Stand directly in front of the step with your arms down at your sides.
- Use a watch or timer, and set it for five minutes.
- Step up first with one foot, and then bring the opposite foot up beside it once you’re positioned on the step.
- Step back down one foot at a time.
- Continue the pattern until the halfway point on the timer, at which point you should alternate to the opposite starting foot.
- Step up and down until your time expires.
4. Bridge With Squeeze
The bridge is a classic stretch that is simple to do, and adding an inner thigh squeeze will tone your inner thighs. The thigh toning exercises are good for your buttocks too!
- Lay on your back with your knees bent and your feet separated.
- Put a pillow, rolled towel or ball between your thighs.
- Push back on your shoulderblades to raise into a bride. Be sure to align your ribs with your pelvis.
- Squeeze the pillow with inner thighs without shifting your pelvis. Do this 15-20 times.
- Lower your pelvis and pull your knees to your chest.
- Do a total of three sets.