The Importance Of Fruits And Vegetables For A Healthy LifestyleEating fruits and vegetables at every meal is the first step you can take towards a healthy lifestyle. Here's why they are so important. Mariah Belsore 5 years ago
What 100 Calorie Foods Really Looks LikeIf you can't eat something without paying attention to calories then feast your eyes on all these 100 calorie foods including fruits and ice cream. Mark Norey, CPT 10 years ago
Pre Workout Carbs To Make Your Body Feel GoodNot all pre workout carbs are created equal, so make sure to stay away from refined grains such as white breads and pasta, cookies, cakes and cereal. Mark Norey, CPT 10 years ago
Nutrient-Rich Foods To Help Prevent Vision ProblemsCarrots are not the only foods that promote healthy eyes and prevent vision problems. Here's a complete list of eye-friendly foods. Mark Norey, CPT 12 years ago
Basic Nutrition Rules To Keep Your Body HealthFather of intestinal detoxification, Dr. Bernard Jensen teaches you new basic nutrition rules to stay away from diseases. Mark Norey, CPT 12 years ago
Why Do You Gain Weight? 4 Dieting Mistakes To AvoidThere are some dieting mistakes that will make you gain weight even though you're dieting and exercising regularly. Here are four of them. Mark Norey, CPT 12 years ago
Fruit And Calories ContentHere are the most common fruits and their caloric content. You'll find all fruits from pineapple fruit to plum and peaches, every fruit with it's story. Mark Norey, CPT 12 years ago
Top 10 SuperFoods For Rapid Weight LossIf you want to get in shape, you need to add as many superfoods as you can to your meals. These include kale, apples, oats, eggs, and more. Mark Norey, CPT 12 years ago
Healthy Smile With Teeth Cleaning FoodsWhat could be more beautiful or sexy than a bright and healthy smile? Busy schedule does not allow us to brush our teeth after every meal. Mark Norey, CPT 12 years ago
Extra Pounds Story | Mia PeltrowSince childhood I have had quite a few extra pounds, but back then it did not bothered me. As a teenager I became very complex. All the time I was on a... Mark Norey, CPT 12 years ago
Stretch Marks And The Easiest Way To Prevent ThemStretch marks are scars that occur all over the body for various reasons with genetics being the major factor that causes these scars. Mark Norey, CPT 12 years ago
Tested Weight Loss Tips That Really Give ResultsThe hardest fight is the one with extra pounds. If I tried these tips for weight loss and they worked, wouldn't you be tempted to try them? Mark Norey, CPT 12 years ago