Work Your Way Towards Your First Pull UpHere are a few exercises that will help strengthen your back, biceps and forearms and help you achieve that elusive pull up. Read more... Mark Norey, CPT 11 years ago
Interesting Fitness Facts About Human BodyHere are some of the interesting fitness facts about human body and health that you probably never knew. These should be another reason to love your body. Mark Norey, CPT 11 years ago
Are You Skinny? These Weight Gain Tips May Help!The first of our weight gain tips is to ditch the three meal per day plan. Instead, opt for around 6 mini-meals per day. Try to eat a meal every 2 hours. Mark Norey, CPT 11 years ago
7 Things To Do After You OvereatYou've been attending decadent holiday parties and celebrations, and now you are not sure what to do after you overeat? Here is what you should do! Mark Norey, CPT 11 years ago
3 Best Kettlebell Exercises To Add Variety To Your WorkoutBy doing kettlebell exercises for 20 minutes you can burn almost 400 calories, the equivalent of running a 6-min mile pace. Insane, right?! Mark Norey, CPT 11 years ago
Interval Training Is An Interesting Way To Lose WeightWhen you go for an intense cardio session, consider that sometimes you must add some low intensity interval training to your exercise regimen. Mark Norey, CPT 11 years ago
You have reached your desired weight? What To Do Next?You have reached your desired weight ? Then keep up with rules that respects your body's needs. And don’t quickly switch to another type of diet . Mark Norey, CPT 11 years ago
6 Things You Should Know For A Perfect BodyFor a perfect body, it's not enough just to work for hours in the gym. You must be very careful with what you put on the plate. Mark Norey, CPT 11 years ago
Slimming World Diet | Eat Anything And Lose Weight"Taste the difference" is the motto of the Slimming World diet founders. We are talking about a diet that promises many pounds less without being hunger. Mark Norey, CPT 11 years ago
Exercise Habits Among Americans75 percent of 1,200 adults questioned in an online survey about exercise habits said they worked out at least once a week and 77% prefer to do it alone. Mark Norey, CPT 11 years ago
Weird Fitness Workouts | Would You Try Them?Get over the tried-and-tested fitness methods and try these weird fitness workouts that have caught the fancy of many who swear by its benefits. Mark Norey, CPT 12 years ago
Exercises And Advise On How To Get A Flat StomachYou would not achieve a flat stomach without movement. Try some simple fitness moves and you'll feel much better. Here are some moves for a flat stomach: Mark Norey, CPT 12 years ago