6 Effective Exercises For Maximum Fat LossLooking to lose fat as quickly as possible? Then you need to be focused on these 6 exercises that will help you achieve maximum fat loss. Beth Williams 3 years ago
Is The Coolsculpting Procedure Right For You?The CoolSculpting procedure is more of a light body-shaping method than a weight loss program. So it's not for those looking to lose weight. Beth Williams 6 years ago
How To Prepare A Successful Fat Loss PlanLosing weight may be hard, but it is not impossible. You just need to prepare an effective fat loss plan that will ensure your success. Mark Norey, CPT 9 years ago
The Difference Between Weight Loss And Fat LossWanna lose weight or fat? Many people find these terms interchangeable, but there's a slight difference between weight loss and fat loss. Mark Norey, CPT 9 years ago
The Only Full-Body Fat-Loss Workout You Need To Get LeanThis full-body fat-loss workout helps you build muscle and burn calories, while keeping your body challenged for the long term. Mark Norey, CPT 9 years ago
Intermittent Fasting Diet For Maximum Fat LossLearn what intermittent fasting diet is, what are some of the best protocols, how to implement it with the most success and what you can expect as a dieter. Mark Norey, CPT 10 years ago
Gym Myths Busted And Explained Why They Are Not TrueMost gym myths got so out of hand that people believe them, even though they don’t really present much of a reality. Here is why they aren't true. Mark Norey, CPT 11 years ago
5 Facts Why Fat Loss Varies From Men to WomenWomen are disadvantaged when it comes to fat loss and muscle building because the majority of the advice available is based on research done on men. Mark Norey, CPT 11 years ago
The Balance Between Calories And ExercisesThe ingested calories and exercises you do regularly must be in perfect balance for you to get to the desired weight while staying healthy. Mark Norey, CPT 12 years ago