10 Simple And Natural Ways To Sleep Better At Night

Since sleep is 30% of your life, you should give it the attention it needs and do all you can to sleep better at night. And these 10 tips really help.
Our sleep impacts everything – our mental and emotional health, our hormonal cycles and fertility, our productivity and cognitive function, and even our lifespan.
However, sleep deprivation now rivals obesity and smoking as one of the biggest public health crises in the U.S.
A consumer sleep study published in 2017 showed that 50% of Americans take sleep aids and that 79% get less than seven hours of sleep per night! [1]
If you care about your sleep but would rather avoid sleeping drugs, read on for the top ten natural and simple ways to sleep better at night.
How To Sleep Better At Night
Pills should be your last resort to improve your night’s sleep. So make sure to follow these ten tips to sleep better at night before heading to the pharmacy:
1. Look For Underlying Problems
Chronic insomnia can be indicative of other problems in your body. Many just take the sleeping pill and gloss over it, when we should be trying to find the root of the issue instead of masking symptoms.
Insomnia often accompanies other sleep disorders, reflux illnesses, or even mental health conditions. Talk to your doctor and you might find your sleep improves.
2. Get Some Sun
Studies have shown that being exposed to daylight early in the day regulates the production of melatonin in our system, the hormone responsible for making us sleepy. [2]
Try to get outside when you first wake up; maybe drink your morning coffee in front of an open window or go for a walk.
This helps your body recognize the contrast between day and night, improving your sleep cycle.
3. Do Some Exercise
Getting your body moving early in the day tires you out for the evenings.
In the same way, that sunlight tells your body what time of day it is, keeping your body moving during the day will regulate your circadian rhythm to be more in line with the sun.
Just make sure to stop at least four hours before bed, because working out releases adrenaline that keeps you awake.
4. Avoid Heavy Meals
There is a common saying that goes “breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper”.
Although times have changed since the saying was invented, our bodies haven’t; and there is truth to that statement.
Avoid rich, heavy meals right before bed. [3]
Some people find it easier to cut off their meals at 7 or 8 PM, while others like a light snack before they sleep. Just give your body plenty of time to digest your food before you go to sleep.
5. Use A Blue Light Filter
As trite as it sounds, having your screens in your room really is bad for your health. [4]
The blue light that our screens – our phones, laptops, TVs, and even smartwatches – give off mimic’s daylight. As our eyes take it in, it fools our brain into thinking that it’s still daylight, which in turn inhibits the production of melatonin.
If you won’t make your bedroom a totally screen-free zone, at least install a blue light filter on your device.
6. Cool It Down
Most people sleep the most comfortably in rooms that are about 18.5 – 21 degrees C (65-72 degrees F).
If you have trouble sleeping, try making the room colder or use a cooling mattress.
7. Vent It Out
It can be hard to let go of all the anxiety and stress left over from our day when we lay down to sleep.
If your thoughts won’t stop shooting around your head, try journaling all your thoughts a few hours before bed.
Venting will get everything off your chest, so you can sleep with a peaceful countenance.
8. Compartmentalize
Our brains are fantastic at breaking the world into associations and habits, and this applies to our rooms.
Never use your bed for anything other than sleeping. Do all your work in another room and keep it as your private sanctuary for relaxation.
This will help you relax when you enter your room after a long day, as your brain will know that it is time to rest.
9. Use Herbal Remedies
Nature has plenty of tricks up her sleeve, and some of the most powerful sleep tools we have come from a plant.
Do some research on what herbs and plants help you sleep. From aromatherapy (many people like lavender and eucalyptus for sleep) to drinking tart cherry juice – try some different things out and see what works for you specifically.
10. Be Consistent
The most important part of any sleep routine is consistency. It does no good to get ten hours of sleep one night if the next night you go to bed at 3 AM.
Prioritizing your sleep is a lifestyle change, so look for ways you can make sustainable and positive changes. The more consistent you are, the better you will feel.
Hopefully, this article inspired you to reclaim your sleep habits, sleep better at night, and improve your overall health!