This Tasty Elixir Will Help Burn Stomach Fat

Whether we’re on diet or not, bananas are always a tasty option to fill in our healthy plate. So why not using bananas as a way to burn stomach fat and flatten our tummies?
One medium banana has about 100 calories and contains large amounts of potassium. Besides its cancer-fighting properties, it also helps you to eliminate the excess water in your body. This means your stomach will flatten and you’ll feel much better.
Bananas are known for their metabolism boosting properties, but when combined with the right ingredients, they are a powerful elixir that helps burn stomach fat. Let’s see how we prepare one!
Tasty Elixir To Burn Stomach Fat
If you struggle to burn stomach fat and nothing you do seems to work, here is a simple recipe (or tasty elixir as I like to call it) that will definitely help you solve your problem.
- 1 Banana;
- 2 teaspoons Honey;
- 1/2 cup Low-Fat Yogurt;
- 1 teaspoon Coconut Oil;
- 1/4 Ginger, grated.
- Put all the ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth.
You can drink this delicious smoothie whenever you want, but for best results here are some recommendations:
- Drink it every day, one glass in the morning and another one in the evening.
- Drink one glass of lukewarm water first thing in the morning, then drink your smoothie to help burn stomach fat.
- It is important that this smoothie to be your first and last meal of the day. And when I say the last meal of the day, I mean to drink it before 8 PM and to eat nothing else after that.
You will not lose weight miraculously, just by drinking this elixir. This recipe is an extra boost for your diet to help your body to eliminate the excess water and to burn stomach fat. SO WATCH YOUR DIET!
Were is the liquid? No milk, water or anything?????????
Thank you!
thats a fun way to spice up your diet I’m gona give it a go 😀