Nicotine | Why You Gain Weight When You Quit Smoking?

Here is one of the most common excuses that I have heard about the nicotine habit that shortens our life a little each day. Most people believe that when you quit smoking, you start to crunch all day to compensate for the defect alleged gesture. But this is not the explanation…
Nicotine Effect On The Brain
A team of researchers at Yale conducted a study on ways of treating depression, but accidentally discovered the true cause of weight gain subsequent to the last cigarette. When nicotine reaches the brain, activates certain receptors located in the level of some neurons that have a strong effect on satiety and on how we consume energy.
The nicotine suppress appetite and send the signal that the body is forced to use the stored energy. But these effects are not only nicotine but also cytisine, used to treat nicotine addiction.
Another cause of the accumulation of extra weight in the first few months after you quit smoking is that giving up smoking improves your sense of smell and taste and thus become more appetizing foods and harder to refuse. Also, nicotine accelerates metabolism and calories burning, and once we leave smoking, metabolism returns to normal.
Course, and trying to compensate with snacks of all kinds contributes to weight gain, but this is a secondary cause.
All this does not mean that you should start smoking or quit smoking to avoid to not get fat. What you need to do is to include more exercise in your daily life, both for burning calories, speeding up your metabolism and reduce the unpleasant symptoms associated with quitting cigarettes, and take healthy snacks when you feel the urge to smoke, such as fruits and vegetables.
Do not forget that health comes first, and then figure. And if the second can be recovered, the first is a permanent loss.