New Year’s Resolutions You Can Achieve

New Year’s resolutions are a common tradition that many people follow to start the year with a positive and motivated mindset.
However, not all resolutions are realistic or sustainable, and many people end up breaking them within a few weeks or months. That is why you can end up disappointed, frustrated, and lose all confidence.
To avoid this, it is important to set resolutions that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. These are also known as SMART goals, and they can help you plan, track, and accomplish your resolutions more effectively.
So the best thing, and the smart one of course is to find New Year resolutions that you can stick to.
Smart New Year’s Resolutions You Can Achieve
Here are some examples of SMART resolutions that you can achieve this year. Follow these ideas to make sure that this year starts with the right foot. Just try to take it step by step, and be smart about your goals so that are achievable.
1. Exercise More
Wanting to exercise more is one of the most popular resolutions. But it is also one of the most vague and difficult to stick to. To make it more realistic, you need to define what “more” means for you. Then you need to establish how you will measure and track your progress.
Don’t just say that you will exercise more this year. Be more specific and say you will exercise for 30 minutes, three times a week, for the next three months.
That is a more precise goal you can follow. You will also have a way to measure your performance, a realistic and attainable expectation. It will be a relevant and meaningful outcome, and a deadline to motivate you.
2. Eat Healthier
Eating healthier is another common resolution, but it can also be challenging to follow without a clear and concrete plan. To make it more achievable, you need to identify what “healthier” means for you. You also need to find a way to implement and monitor your changes.
Don’t just say you will eat healthier next year. You need to make it more clear, what that means to you. You can say that you will eat 4 servings of fruits and even vegetables every day.
Make it your resolution that you will limit the intake of added sugars to 10% of your daily calories. Give yourself a time frame for example the next six months. This way, you have a specific and measurable goal. A realistic and attainable expectation and a deadline to motivate you.
3. Save More Money
Saving more money is also a popular resolution, but it can also be hard to maintain without a clear and realistic budget. To make it more attainable, you need to determine how much money you want to save.
You also need to allocate and track your income and expenses. Instead of the more ample resolution of saving more money, make o more realistic goal. Just make a concrete goal. It can be as simple as wanting to save 4000 $ by the end of the year. Set aside 10% of your income every month to try and save up money until the end of the year.
Try to reduce your spending on non-essential items by 20%. This way, you have a specific goal that is realistic and it is attainable. By having a deadline and a specific goal, you will make everything more easily manageable.
4. Learn A New Skill
Another common resolution, learning a new skill, can be overwhelming and daunting without a clear and structured plan. To make it more achievable, you need to decide what skill you want to learn, and how you will acquire and practice it.
Try your best and be very specific when it comes to learning a new skill. Let’s say you want to lear how to play the guitar. Make a plan on how you want to achieve that goal.
Take online lessons twice a week, and practice for 15 minutes every day, or even 30 minutes. Now it will be easier to learn because you specified what the skill is and you have a plan of action. This will keep you motivated and thus it will make your resolution achievable.
5. Read More Books
Reading more books will be one of my New Year’s resolutions. So to make this possible I need a clear and enjoyable reading list. I need to choose what books I want to read, and how I will schedule and track my reading time. Find out what genre books you would like to read and add those to a list.
“Read more books” can be a bit vague. I mean you don’t just want to read one book this year. Set yourself up for success and read 12 new books this year.
You can achieve this goal by reading one new book every month. To make sure that you are reading one book every month, let’s say you need to set aside 30 minutes every day to read.
This can be one of the easiest New Year’s resolutions you can achieve. But it will all depend on the books you choose to read. If you like mysteries and thrillers, then choose those kinds of books. Make a wishlist of all the books you would like to read and tick them off one by one every month.
These are some examples of SMART resolutions that you can achieve this year. They are not only realistic but also rewarding and fulfilling.
You can also find more ideas and tips online or just add to the list your ideas and create a resolution that works for you.
Start your year with a clear and positive vision, and make this year your best year yet.