15 Natural Allergy Remedies That Actually Work

Do seasonal allergies have you sniffing and sneezing all day long? Before you turn to medications that can leave you drowsy, try some of these natural allergy remedies that actually work!
Most allergies are not that serious and can easily be treated at home, without the intervention of a medical professional.
But when they get worse, make sure to visit your doctor for professional medical advice and treatment.
The Most Popular Natural Allergy Remedies
Here are 15 allergy remedies that can help you prevent and treat your seasonal allergy at home:
1. Saline Nasal Rinse
Doctors around the world recommend using a neti pot or other type of saline nasal rinse if you suffer from sinus allergy symptoms.
It is great for rinsing the allergens right out of the nasal and sinus passageways so they stop irritating you.
Just be sure to always use distilled water or boil water and let it cool before use, for safety reasons.
2. Steam Inhalation
If the thought of pouring water through your nasal passages grosses you out, you can also clean things out with a little steam.
Try taking a hot shower or boiling some water and holding your head over the water after you take it off the burner.
Put a towel over your head to hold in the steam. As an added benefit, you can add a few drops of eucalyptus oil to the water as its menthol-like sensation can help open the nasal passageways even more. Breathe in the steam for 5 to 10 minutes.
3. Humidifier/Dehumidifier
Both humidifiers and dehumidifiers have their benefits when it comes to fighting allergies.
If it is cool and dry, turning on a cool air humidifier can surround the allergens in the air with water droplets, causing them to fall to the ground so you don’t breathe them in.
On the other hand, if you live where it is humid, using a dehumidifier or the air conditioner can cut back on dust mites and mold, which are two really big allergens.
You just have to find out what is best for your situation.
4. Peppermint Tea
Drinking any type of hot tea can be good for allergy symptoms because the hot steam can help open up the nasal passageways.
But one of the best types of tea to try is peppermint tea because it can act as a natural decongestant and expectorant to get the mucus out. Peppermint also has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties.
Green tea is another good choice because it has an antioxidant that inhibits allergic reactions.
If you are allergic to ragweed, you might want to stay away from chamomile tea, however, as it can actually cause an allergic reaction to those who suffer from that allergy.
5. HEPA Air Purifier
Okay, so it’s not very natural, but everyone suffering from airborne allergies can benefit from a HEPA air purifier. They have filters that can remove particles as small as pollen from the air, greatly cutting back on allergy symptoms.
If you can’t afford a whole house system, at least try to get one for the bedroom.
6. Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar has been said to help with many things from weight loss to digestion to allergies.
For allergies, take 1 teaspoon of unfiltered, organic vinegar in a glass of water up to three times a day.
It helps cleanse the lymphatic system and reduce mucus production, both preventing allergy symptoms and reducing the ones that do occur.
7. Quercetin
Quercetin is a bioflavonoid that is found in the skins of apples and onions and it is a natural antihistamine.
It is difficult to get enough to fight allergy symptoms from food though so taking a supplement is the way to go.
It’s best to start taking it about 4 to 6 weeks before allergy season starts.
8. Probiotics
Recent evidence has shown that mothers who had more beneficial gut bacteria when pregnant and nursing produced babies less prone to allergies.
Further evidence shows that people who have more beneficial bacteria in their guts have fewer allergy symptoms.
So if your mom let you down, don’t worry! Reach for the yogurt or probiotic pills and give your gut a boost of allergy-fighting bacteria today!
9. Honey
There is no real scientific evidence that eating honey works for allergies, but many people swear it works.
The trick is that you have to eat local, raw honey from bees that eat pollen from as close to where you live as possible.
The theory is that you are gradually getting exposed to the natural allergens in your area and you get used to them in a natural way.
It works best if you start eating the honey about a month before allergy season starts.
10. Acupuncture
Though it is not exactly certain why, acupuncture has been shown to cut down on allergy symptoms.
It is thought that it can help calm down an overactive immune system, which is responsible for allergies.
11. Omega 3 Fatty Acids
Studies have shown that people who eat foods high in omega 3 fatty acids are less prone to allergy symptoms than those who don’t.
Foods high in omega 3’s include walnuts, cold-water fish, flaxseed oil, and grass-fed meat and eggs.
12. Butterbur
Some exciting studies have shown that extracts of the plant called butterbur are just as effective at fighting allergy symptoms as the main ingredient in Zyrtec.
The even better news? Butterbur didn’t produce any drowsy side effects like Zyrtec can.
13. Wasabi
Eating spicy foods like wasabi, chili peppers, hot mustard, and even fresh garlic can make our eyes water and open up the nasal passages, which it turns out is good for fighting the symptoms of allergies.
Though the effect may only be temporary, if you like spicy foods, it can be an excuse to indulge and get a little relief!
14. Stinging Nettle Leaf
Stinging nettle leaf has long been used to counteract the symptoms of allergies as it is a natural antihistamine. It can be taken either in capsule form or you can ingest it in tea form.
15. Bromelain
Bromelain is an enzyme that is found in pineapples. It is sometimes used after sinus surgeries to fight inflammation and it can also be used to thin mucus and reduce nasal swelling in those who suffer from allergies.
Hopefully, all these natural allergy remedies will help you properly prepare for the allergy season.