Your Nails Can Be A Good Indicator Of Health Problems

Nowadays both contemporary medicine, as well as folk medicine have gathered a lot of data about disease diagnosis taking into account the state of the nails.
Traditional Chinese Medicine has established a long time that there is a very tight functional link between nail and liver. If liver function decreases in action, nails become soft, deformed and have a very high fragility.
Healthy nails are resilient and strong, smooth, pink and evenly shaped.
In normal state toenails must be stronger than the nails of hands.
What Your Nails Say About Your Health
Now that you found out a few facts about your nails, let’s find out what can they reveal about your health!
In contemporary medicine diagnosis of a disease is possible taking into consideration changes in nail shape and relief.
Here’s how you can what’s wrong with your body just by looking at your nails:
1. Horizontal Lines On Fingernails
The horizontal lines on fingernails talk about unbalanced diet or the untreated disease on time. They can manifest when there is a change in diet. Crumbly surfaces on nails mean salt buildup.
2. Vertical Lines On Fingernails
Vertical lines on nails signals worsening digestion (excessive use of fatty acids and salt), a process that absorbs minerals and albumin very hard.
Also, you have deficiency of vitamin B12 and iron. Bowel disease may occur in this case too. Digestive function, liver and kidney function may be reduced, there may be a general fatigue.
3. Gnawed Fingernails
Gnawed fingernails are a sign of nervousness, deficiency of minerals or the presence of parasites in the gut. They are a symptom of neurosis, gastritis, or sexual dysfunction in women.
4. Large, Curved Fingernails
Large fingernails, curved, bulb-shaped, far exceeding the finger surface (cone-shaped nails) indicates the weakness of the heart and lungs (tuberculosis). They are a cold syndrome, lack of energy in the lungs.
A bulge at the end of the nail talking about a chronic infection of the lungs.
5. Spoon-Shaped Fingernails
Concave fingernail (which is shaped like a spoon), where you can hold a drop of water, indicate iron deficiency. It is a syndrome of cold, lack of power of the lungs, but a symptom of an inherited form of alcoholism.
Indicate triangular nail disorders of the spine and spinal cord.
6. Crooked Fingernails
Smooth crooked nails (like a parrot’s beak) talks about innate form of asthma, about bronchitis, tuberculosis, chronic cough.
7. Crumbly Fingernails
Crumbly fingernails are a sign of low iron content and vitamin A in the body, of the poor functioning of the thyroid or kidney, of a bad blood circulation.
8. Split Fingernails
Split nails show a low level of digestive fire, also indicate that blood flow, sexual and nervous systems are disturbed and lessen nervous reactions.
9. Peeling Fingernails
This is a phenomenon caused by excessive consumption of fruits, juices, soft drinks, artificial products, medicines, minerals missing in the body, giving rise to an imbalance in nutrition.
In this case it may appear indigestion, gas formation in the bowel, fatigue, irregular menstruation, sexual weakness, depression, nervousness, insomnia and other such states.
The Crescent From The Base Of The Nails
This whitish crescent-shaped area at the bottom of your fingernails is called lunula. Here’s what your lunula has to say about your health:
1. Large Crescent
The large size of the crescent of the nail is related to tachycardia.
2. Crescent Absence
Absence of the crescent of the nail is a sign of neurosis heart, heart failure and disturbances in blood circulation.
3. Bluish Crescent
Bluish crescent talks about disturbances in liver function, red crescent is a sign of heart failure, if the crescent is separated from the other side of the nail by a horizontal line, it means that the person has diabetes.
The Presence Of Cuticles
Cuticles around the nails show an albumin, vitamin C and folic acid deficiency in the body (the deficit is insufficient use of these substances or their poor assimilation).
Your nails have so much to say about you and your health! Go ahead and listen to them!