Very Active Working Mom’s Fitness Journey

My name is Ana D’Amato and my fitness journey has been a slow and harsh battle. For those who don’t know my transformation story, here it is in a nutshell.
When I turned 16, I joined the gym. I grew up being a tomboy but I was a scrawny little kid. I wanted to gain weight but the right way. I trained 5-6 days a week. I never did the classes but loved the weight training. As I got older and started working all I wanted to do was make money and I worked crazy hours and hustled but then the training slowly became obsolete.
A Mom’s Fitness Journey…
Had a boyfriend and well you know how the story goes. Fast forward I’m a mom to 2 handsome boys. Now being a mom I gained weight and tried to fit in being a mom, full-time job, running a home and training. Tried to do the at home videos etc. and they’re not for me. I love the adrenaline rush of being in the gym. The machines, the weights, and the hard work most people you see in the gym put in.
I always said to myself I WILL NOT gain the weight I weighed when I was pregnant. I WILL NOT buy bigger clothes or “mom jeans” because I can’t fit in the clothes I have now. I LOVE the summer and being able to wear a bikini and WILL NOT buy a one-piece suit or a “mom suit”.
Then Life Hits Hard…
I was doing really well then I got into a car accident 12/5/10. In that car accident, I injured my left knee, left shoulder and lower back. I’ve had 2 cortisone injections and 1 gel injection in my left knee. 3 epidurals in my lower back, 2 cortisone injections prior to shoulder surgery and 2 cortisone injections after shoulder surgery. When I tell you I live with pain every day, BELIEVE ME, I live with it every day.
But I Will Never Give Up Fitness!
I was at my HIGHEST weight when I wasn’t able to train after my accident and I am not the type of person who can just sit back and do nothing. So I sucked it up and got back in the gym. I am still in pain but feeling stronger a little more every day. I do what I can with my VERY ACTIVE boys, keep a home, work and make time for training.
I didn’t gain the weight in one day and I won’t lose it on one day but I WILL BE DAMNED if I look the way I did in my before picture!!!