Are Liquid Supplements Better Than Pills And Capsules?

Supplements, whether they are pills, capsules, powder, or liquid supplements, can’t replace the value of a nutrient-dense diet.
However, if you’re doing all you can to maximize your nutrition, supplements can fill in the gaps caused by nutrient deficiencies in your food.
Consider supplements as the icing on the cake, they are a small component of a healthy diet but offer a tremendous benefit when used correctly.
There are hundreds of thousands of supplement products available online. Choosing the right supplement to enhance your nutrition is an overwhelming decision.
One question that people new to supplementation often ponder is the difference between liquid and pill supplements.
Is there any advantage of using the one over the other? Should you choose a liquid multi-vitamin or a pill format?
Main Supplement Formats
Here are the main supplement formats and a honest comparison with the liquid supplements:
1. Pill Supplements
Solid tablets and pills are the most common form of supplements available.
Manufacturers press vitamin and mineral powders into pill format using binders and fillers. As a result of the manufacturing process, pill supplements enjoy a long shelf life, and they remain resistant to fluctuations in temperature during storage and transport.
However, health-conscious people such as vegans, refuse to use supplement products that contain fillers or additives that extend the expiry date of the product.
Even though there is no conclusive science to prove it, consuming additives on a daily basis could potentially harm your body over the long term.
This concept often drives people away from using supplements in pill format.
2. Capsule Supplements
Capsules are a similar issue for many people. Soft gel capsules may contain a purer form of the supplement, free from binders and coatings such as magnesium stearate.
However, gel caps, like the kind used to hold fish oil, are comprised of collagen from animal bones and skin, making them unsuitable for vegans and vegetarians.
People with lifestyle commitments that prevent them from consuming animal products will benefit from supplements encapsulated in hypromellose, a polymer formulated from cellulose.
Capsules can also be broken open and the powdered supplement ingested in water or sprinkled over food.
3. Powder Supplements
Powder supplements are mixed with water or juice, allowing for rapid absorption by the body.
Many supplements taste foul when consumed in powder format. Therefore, manufacturers add flavorings to them to increase their palatability.
Once again, the additives might not be suitable for vegans. So it’s best to check the supplement facts label for a description of the artificial flavors found in the product.
4. Liquid Supplements
Liquid supplements provide a fast and efficient delivery system to the body, along with accelerated absorption.
They are generally more bioavailable than pills or powders. And usually contain fewer additives than their pill counterparts.
However, this is a double-edged sword, as liquid supplements may not have the extended shelf life of encapsulated versions.
An example of this is fish oil. This supplement is widely available in both encapsulated soft gels, or bottled as oil, in the form of cod liver oil.
The soft gels are cold-pressed to ensure their stability during transport and while sitting on the shelf.
Bottled cod liver oil require storage in the fridge, or the valuable Omega-3 EFA’s will turn rancid from over-exposure to heat and environmental elements.
Why Should You Take Liquid Supplements?
If you are serious about your health and have a choice between liquid and pill supplements, always go with the liquid variety.
Liquid supplements, such as liposomal vitamin C, provide superior absorption ensuring that your body receives the full benefit of the supplement, without wasting any of the valuable compounds during digestion.
Pills and powders increase levels of inflammation in the GI tract, which may affect absorption of vitamins and minerals.
Avoid the toxins and fillers found in encapsulated and pill format supplements and choose liquids for better supplementation and superior health.