Legs Workout | 1.5 Inches Less In 6 Weeks
Women fall into three broad categories: those that have problems with belly, those who want thinner legs and a firmer butt and the happiest. 🙂 Leaving the joke aside, because we know how hard it is to have the body you want, especially if genetics does not help, today I prepared legs workout, which works fine the butt and hips too, and comes with a promise: 1.5 inches less in just 6 weeks!
You know those skinny jeans that you wanted? Well, it’s time to start saving money for them. 🙂
Legs Workout In 4 Easy Moves
1. Stand with feet slightly apart and tips outward. Grab a 1.5 kg dumbbell in each hand, arms at your sides. Let yourself gently down until knees are bent about 90 degrees, keeping your arms straight in front at shoulder level. Repeat the movement 20 times.
2. Stand straight with feet slightly apart, left foot forward as the distance of a step, holding dumbbells in your hands. Bend your knees at 90 °, simultaneously bending your arms and bringing dumbbell at the level of forehead. Return to starting position and repeat 20 times.
3. Stand straight with feet together and arms at your sides, holding dumbbells in your hands. Let yourself down slightly in the middle, simultaneously raising your left leg back so that it is parallel to the floor. Let your arms hang and maintain its 5 seconds.
4. For the last exercise of this legs workout, sit down on your knees and hands, holding a dumbbell in your left hand, feet slightly apart. Raise your right leg behind your left arm parallel to the ground and the shoulder. Hold for a few seconds, then repeat the movement 20 times for each leg.
As you noticed, the movements implied by this legs workout, good for thighs and buttocks too, are very simple and requires only two light dumbbells and some space in your room. If you enjoyed this workout please share it with your friends and family. Stay fit!