What Makes The Ketogenic Diet So Effective?

Ketogenic diets are metabolically powerful, and they can be life changing. When my wife shifted to a low carb, fat burning diet, she normalized her high blood pressure, banished heartburn, stopped annoying joint pain, and reversed her pre-diabetes. A ketogenic diet can be helpful for you too…
In this article you’ll find information about the ketogenic diet, how to start a ketogenic diet plan, and the details on how you can increase your energy and improve your health simply by changing the way you eat.
What Is A Ketogenic Diet?
Contrary to popular rhetoric, a ketogenic, low carb diet is NOT a high protein diet. It’s a high fat diet, with a moderate protein and a very low carbohydrate intake. A typical ketogenic meal includes a small amount of protein, a source of natural fats (for example, butter, cream sauce, olive oil, or coconut oil) and some green leafy vegetables.
When you reduce the amount of carbohydrate and increase the fat and protein in your diet, it has the effect of switching your body into fat burning mode. Instead of using the easily exhausted sugar from carbohydrates for fuel, your body burns stored fat for energy, and it’s this fat burning process which greatly improves health and well-being.
In fact, a ketogenic, high fat, moderate protein diet can alleviate many serious health issues like cancer, epilepsy, Alzheimer, Parkinson, diabetes or gluten allergy.
What Makes The Ketogenic Diet So Effective?
It all starts with a process called ketosis, and the effect that it has on each one of the trillions of cells in our bodies. In short, ketosis means more energy and cleaner metabolic fuel processes in our cells, which leads to less oxidative stress, better cell health, better organ health, and better health overall.
But Isn’t A High Fat Diet Unhealthy?
Actually, a high fat diet is healthier for you, when it is eaten while carbohydrate consumption is kept low.
A diet high in clean saturated fats and low in carbohydrates actually raises your HDL good cholesterol and lowers your triglycerides. These two factors are really the true measure of good heart health.
Literally thousands of people have gone on the Atkins diet, or the Protein Power diet, or some other higher fat, low carb diet and reaped the benefits. They have resolved nagging health issues, reversed serious disease processes, lost weight, felt better, and rarely felt hunger.
Ketogenic Diet Plan
The nutrient intake on a ketogenic diet typically works out to about:
- 70-75% of calories from fat;
- 20-25% from protein;
- 5-10% from carbohydrate on a daily basis.
1. The first step for a ketogenic diet plan is to remove all of the high carb foods from your house. These foods are: sugars, grain products, corn, potatoes, starchy vegetables, boxed processed foods, fruits, beans, beers, dessert wines, sodas, juices made from fruit and vegetables, milk.
2. Next you must make a plan with the new foods you are allowed to eat. These are low carb foods like: meats and poultry, deli meats (such like prosciuto, salami, pepperoni…), seafood, dairy products (such like eggs, cream cheese, butter…), low carb vegetables ( such like broccoli, cucumber, cabbage…)
3. Start eating only home prepared food (and home made coffee too) and make a meal plan for every next day of diet.
4. Find some way to track daily food intake and carb counts and note everything. Here is a printable food diary for you to use.
5. Learn how to stop sugar cravings.
6. Drink plenty of water!
Many people have discovered that a ketogenic diet like Atkins diet is a very effective tool for regaining health, losing excess weight and building a muscular, healthy body.
Source: ketogenic-diet-resource.com
Source: facebook.com/PrimalJourney