How To Easily Remove Skin Tags At Home In Just A Week

While looking for a safe way to remove skin tags at home, I found two simple methods. After testing both, only one proved to be working for me.
You should know that I am the kind of person who likes to take shortcuts whenever they occur. And these days I searched for a safe and easy way to remove skin tags.
I just wanted to save some money for a doctor’s appointment and to avoid lancing them off. Because I know skin tags can bleed heavily and can leave a scar too.
So I was thinking of a different approach to remove skin tags, a more easy and natural way. And I stumbled upon two easy methods that caught my attention:
- Using clear nail polish;
- Using apple cider vinegar.
I tested both, but only one of these two methods to remove skin tags really worked.
Just so you know, I had a skin tag on my right leg and one more on my right breast. So there wasn’t much to experiment on.
An Easy Way To Remove Skin Tags At Home
I am not a doctor or a medical expert, but here is what didn’t work for me and what worked.
NO: Clear Nail Polish
I painted clear nail polish over the skin tag on my leg, but the result wasn’t the one I expected it to be.
The skin tag got bigger, I developed a rash around the skin tag and in the end, the skin tag wasn’t removed.
So I would NOT recommend this method to remove skin tags!
YES: Apple Cider Vinegar
I soaked a very small square of a cotton pad in organic apple cider vinegar, then I covered the skin tag with it and left it there overnight.
After 2 nights of using this method, the skin tag turned black and I stopped the treatment. It fell off in about 5 days.
So in a week, I managed to remove my skin tag without bleeding and without leaving a scar.
No scars, but there was a bit of an acid burn from the apple cider vinegar, which is a strong acid. This happened because I didn’t protect the skin near the skin tag.
You don’t have to use apple cider vinegar anymore if the skin tag turned black or dark green. The skin tag is dead, so you just have to wait for it to fall off. Don’t pick!
How To Remove Skin Tags Better Than Me
If I had more skin tags, I would use the apple cider vinegar again to remove them, but I would do some things differently:
- I would protect surrounding skin with Vaseline;
- Then I would start by just holding the cotton pad on the skin tag a few times a day to see if that works before leaving it on overnight.
Moreover, you can also try using skin tag remover products. Check out this review on Skincell Pro, an all-natural serum that claims to get rid of skin tags, leaving pristine skin behind — no scarring, affordable, and easy to use.
Let me know in the comments below how you managed to remove skin tags and share this post with your friends. Stay fit!