What Are Some Easy Ways To Protect Your Joints?

You should know how to protect your joints regardless of whether you work out or not. Your wrists and your ankles are extremely important in everyday movements.
All those who have ever had problems with their knees also know how incredibly uncomfortable it can be to perform easy tasks like bending to pick something up, or even trying to take out the garbage.
So let’s have a look at some easy ways to protect your joints.
How To Protect Your Joints?
Here are a few steps you must take in order to properly protect your joints:
1. Correct Form
If you are into the habit of working out, making sure that you are performing your exercises with the proper form is one of the simplest ways to protect your joints.
Make sure you hold your dumbbells with a tight grip, and that you follow the right form when doing bench presses or even bicep curls.
The same goes for your squats. Make sure you don’t go with your knees over your toes as you lower your body, so as to make sure that you’re not putting too much pressure on your ankles.
2. Strengthening Smaller Muscles
You know the saying: A group is as strong as its weakest member. Why would it be any different for your body? After all, it is a group of muscles and bones and… joints!
The best way to protect your joints in advance is to make sure they’re strong enough to handle the extra pressure when you start lifting heavier weights.
So make sure you progress slowly enough for your joints to adapt. And don’t be afraid to do exercises that you wouldn’t normally do. (I’m talking about exercises for the forearms or the calves.)
3. Supplements To Protect Your Joints
If you want to effectively protect your joints and prevent injury, you could try a few supplements. There are plenty of natural alternatives, like fish oil (either eating fish or taking fish oil pills).
And believe it or not, vitamin C also helps to protect your joints. Some other substances that help are silicone and gelatin (type II collagen).
4. Rest
Maybe this tip should be on top of the list, but I just wanted you to keep this one last thought in mind:
If you want to protect your joints, you must treat rest with as much importance as you treat your workouts.
This can mean two things:
Rest Enough
First, you have to make sure that you don’t work out too much, and rest too little. It’s important to get at least one day of not going to the gym per week.
If you can’t stand it to not move a little, you can have an active rest day, where you go for a walk or an easy bike ride.
Rest When You Should
But the rest can also refer to giving yourself a break if something feels wrong. If you want to protect your joints it’s not smart to push through with a workout if you feel pain during or after your workout.
If you don’t give yourself a break and let your joints get healthy again after an injury (even if it’s really minor and it just hurts a little), the situation will only get worse.
Tell us: how do you protect your joints? Share your tips on how to keep your joints healthy in a comment below!